
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

this looks 'shopped

I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few 'shops in my time!

Tho admittedly it would be pretty cool if Joe Flacco rode my horse haha. To Glory!!! Or something!!

Or if there were some sort of device to alleviate Charlie's tendency to injure his forelimbs haha. Why not just get rid of 'em entirely?!

Of course, Charlie isn't my only subject -- who remembers rocket powered Isabel?!? Complete with tied-on unicorn horn??

So much personality in such a little package, it was fun to try and capture that in pixels lol.

Paper cutouts are another favorite of mine. You're already all familiar with the handsome blue thoroughbred who graces my banner, but does anyone recognize that sporty little maroon pony??

And speaking of elegant and refined thoroughbreds, how about this dapper fellow?

Tho perhaps many of you are more familiar with the fire breathing varietals haha. Spicy mares are spicy!

I'm personally biased toward my own beloved brontosaurus tho.

Esp when he's responsible and conducts his civic duty with pride!!

What about you - ever been inspired to, ahem, embellish or otherwise illustrate your horse's distinguishing characteristics?! What would your horse look like??


  1. I wish I had even a modicum of an idea of how to do super basic photo manipulations, lol. I would totally be dolling Gwyn up.

    Instead I buy unicorn horn browbands. LOL. Or stick bunny ear headbands on her.

    1. ha no joke, being 100% serious, every single one of the above is done in MS Paint. it doesn't have to be "good" to be funny lol. you should try it! ;)

  2. Those are fantastic! XD Would you ever sell custom versions of the horse silhouettes? I would love those for my walls whenever I get my house :) Guess I'll have to make my horses jump something haha

    1. aw haha - thanks but they're not quite good enough to sell, and they're maybe a little smaller than you're imagining. they're about the size of a card. tho i might do a quick DIY on how to make them - it's super easy, really all you need is pretty paper to make them work!

  3. You're a such Paint genius. 🤣

  4. I don't know what you are talking about these are all normal photos

  5. Joe certainly wouldn't be riding Charlie into the end zone. DAMN IT, JOE.

  6. these are amazing... all of them ahahha

    1. lol i may or may not spend way too much time on this stuff but.... #noregrets haha

  7. Those all look 100% legit, idk what you're talking about!

  8. These are great.....I dont have the skill for this lol

    1. lol i'm not sure i'd claim to have the "skill" either tbh, but patience goes a long way when inspiration strikes!

  9. Lol I am neither creative enough nor adept with photoshop, so I'll just enjoy yours!

    1. lol i have zero experience with photoshop, but MS Paint is pretty easy! you should give it a shot haha

  10. The bronto is probably my favorite pic of all time, lol

  11. You have captured Carmen perfectly!

  12. I am so not skilled enough or patient enough for this. But I appreciate your efforts so much, there aren't words!

  13. I am giggling way harder at this than I should.

  14. HAHA I'm dying over the brontosaurus!


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