
Friday, November 16, 2018

The Good, The Bad & The Funny: 2018 on Video

Happy Friday, everyone!! It's gratitude season around here, and not only because of the rapidly approaching Thanksgiving Holiday!

But also because now is the time of year where it just feels right to look back and reflect on what's come to pass these last few months.

grateful for this amazing horse <3
I am grateful for so much. So so so much. Both in my horsey life as it's reflected here on ye olde blog, but also in life in general. This year in particular saw a few things come to pass that... ya know, are kinda a big deal for me.

Personally I'm not a big believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason... But things sure do have a way of happening. And like it or not, we all have to find a way to keep moving forward. This year, for me, was a year of forward momentum.

My plan is to pull together at least some variation of a recap summary of all the highs (and lows) in an upcoming post or series of posts before the year closes. Hopefully haha, bc let's be real -- those posts can be a real bear to write!! They're often worth it tho. Personally, I love reading them on other blogs, and love reliving my own too.

epic compilation video here!!! play with sound ON!!

For now, tho, I'm starting with my 5th 4th annual Compilation video haha. In years past, I separated the highlights from the blooper reels. This year, tho, the highs and lows were so intrinsically intertwined that it felt impossible for one to stand alone without the other.

So I changed up my formatting a little bit: combining everything together and segmenting by themes instead of adhering to a strict chronological order. First up, obviously, being the most immediate (gas-powered) comic relief haha, then recounting the best and the worst by phase.

And for shits and giggles, since it's a Friday anyway, here are the compilation videos from years past too. I love these videos so so so much. And it's so important for me to look back and remember what felt like a solid WIN back in 2014, for instance. The bloopers tho... ahaha, obvi they never get old either ;)


2017 bloopers

2017 highlights


2015 bloopers

2015 highlights


2014 bloopers

2014 highlights

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I always look forward to your complication videos :) I still get a knot in my stomach watching him half jump and get stuck over that xc jump. Its been an amazing journey for you and Charlie.

    1. Ha I’m glad you like them! I have maybe a little too much fun making them lol... tho yea agreed about that moment when Charlie got stuck on the coop at plantation. Honestly that was the moment when I was making the stand alone blooper reel when I realized ... eh mayyyybe this is too sad for me to be a “funny” video and that it needed the good moments side by side to balance it out ...

  2. that first picture is so fucking magestic i can hardly even

    let's go 2019 :D


    1. Omg yes please for the love of god haha! Or like at least schooling or even a trail ride or literally anything that involves both our horses ?!?!?

  3. "Personally I'm not a big believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason... But things sure do have a way of happening." Amen.

    Love the farts and the "Good boy, Charles!!"

    1. lol i love all the tooting too haha, always a nice reminder not to take myself too seriously!! bc yea... the whole "stuff happening" thing isn't ever really gonna stop, right?

  4. Omg getting stuck on that jump LOL I love these, I always made a thrills and spills of my friends and I every year, but then my computer died and I couldnt make them anymore. Sad face.

    Thanks for sharing, I subscribed to your Youtube too!

    1. uh yea i'm about 99.9% sure i've watched ALL of you thrills and spills videos!!! they're awesome, you definitely need to start making them again!!!

  5. Holy he's a tootin' machine! And I love when Brita/Rachel utters an awed, "...Charles..." during one of your jumping lessons.

    1. lol the toots kill me. KILL ME! the funniest thing is that i don't even hear them (at all) when i'm riding, it's not until i watch the video later lol.....

  6. Love these compilations! I also agree that things happen. Period. I love the clip where you finish the cc and say ‘holy shit’. It makes me giggle. You two have come so far.

    1. ha somehow there tends to be a LOT of inadvertent expletives when running charlie cross country!!! <3

  7. I love that it ended with "Holy Shit" lol

    1. lol yessssssss it is basically my most #accurate feeling haha :D

  8. The gas powered round with the kids giggling is still my favorite thing, lol Also, I'm never going to unseen that nasty splint abscess :O


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