
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

happy fall!!

Happy Halloween, everyone! And happy fall, happy cold crisp brisk weather!! This is legit my favorite time of the year, and so far the weather in Maryland has not disappointed (so long as you just kinda ignore some of the rain we've gotten haha....).

oooooh spooooooky
I had originally planned to clip Charlie this week too, seeing as he's a major neck sweater and ain't nobody want to spend ages and ages trying to dry off all that fluff before tucking him in for the night. Luckily an Irish clip suits him pretty much perfectly.

Except, not quite so luckily, Charlie's still on his little breaky-break.

best mare was clearly much concerned haha
Timing isn't too terrible, really. I just decided to postpone the clip job, since the weather is jusssssst chilly enough that we'd probably need to be fussing around with blankets if we took any of his fuzz off. With his current coat tho? He's just fine. Since he's not getting ridden anyway, there's really no need to go there.

charlie realized very early on that... he was gonna have to put up with some shit
And meanwhile I've mostly been an absentee owner anyway. Lately I've had a bit of travel all over the place, some for work, some for fun. I honestly haven't even been able to lay eyes on the beast in about a week.

Naturally this gives me..... some nervous anxious feelings. The cold-prickle-ies, if you will. Charlie doesn't historically do well with abject neglect and I'm not always convinced that anybody else will notice the various bumps, bruises, dings, dents, etc that I would on the horse.

handi-horse wishes you luck with the fall friskies!
But he's probably fine. Probably. At least they'd probably call me if he were like, dead haha. Probably? Right?! Sigh....

I'll get to see him soon tho. Esp bc dammit, I need some updated horse mask pictures haha - these are all years and years old at this point! I guess we forgot last year since Charlie was still laid up on stall rest...

In any case tho, assuming the leg looks reasonable (and there's no reason to believe it won't), I'll maybe hop back on this week. Off-season ennui has already settled into my bones lol so even tho he was only out for a couple weeks, I still plan to just ease into it. Light flat rides, lots of hacking when there's light for it. Just back to the process of slowly building. I'm already looking forward to it <3

warning - it's a bit graphic haha

And in the meantime, a few other bloggers have taken this holiday as the perfect opportunity to flashback to the more.... appropriately gruesome memories haha.

So, in keeping with that spirit, here's one of my all time most-shared videos lol, of when we had to lance Charlie's abscessed splint last fall. Brace yourself, it's nasty haha. But so oddly sickly mesmerizing, in that nasty can't-take-your-eyes-off-it kind of way. I just know some of y'all are into this kinda thing too ;)

Enjoy --- and maybe also cross your fingers for me that when I *do* finally get back to see my horse, his leg will look happy, clean, and tight, and not at all like Mt Vesuvius!!


  1. Breaks are good sometimes. Maybe Charlie will use the time to reflect on how he could be more responsible? :D

    1. ha for sure, wouldn't that be nice?! i had planned to give charlie some time off this fall anyway -- tho had hoped to get in a clinic and one last event first.... but oh well. big guy gets what he needs, right??

  2. I kinda love that video in a horribly morbid way. It's just so satisfying to watch lol!!

    1. ha you're definitely not alone in feeling that way - it's one of my most popular videos by far (second only to an MDHT compilation video that got shared by eventing nation and, for some godforsaken reason, charlie's second ever dressage show doing intro B where we basically look like exactly what we were: green as goddamn grass fresh off the track horse walkin and trottin around. i have zero clue why that video still gets views haha....)

  3. Replies
    1. Actually I typed too fast - September 22nd. Happy Halloween lady and omg it's reflection season :P

    2. is there an expiration date tho in appreciating the season?? sept 22nd was hot as balls out and i got sunburnt. today is crisp breezy glorious 60s with colorful foliage. my kind of weather!!

    3. If we go by weather San Diego never has fall and I die

    4. fair enough lol, i'm a seasonal creature through and through and don't know what i'd do without that environmental change! tho haha sometimes i think i'd be just fine with a little less of the extremes of summer / winter....

  4. That video is so weirdly mesmerizing !

    1. ha, isn't it tho?! that video gets pulled out on my cell phone surprisingly often....

  5. I love popping videos. Love love love them. They're so satisfying. (I just can't do mango worms, don't look it up, trust me) There's a WHOLE online community just for pimple and abscess popping. It's fantastic.

    And this one is great! A+ :D

    1. lol i've seen some of it, but honestly haven't really gotten too into it personally. but this charlie video certainly fits nicely into that category, and it's definitely one that gets viewed a lot on ye olde youtube channel haha

  6. Considering September was Hot as EFF and even tho warm today with the wind blowing and all leaves it def feels like FINALLY FALL here... so happy fall back at ya! Here is to a mild winter so you can do all the things with Charlie! I am NOT looking at that video if Liz likes it it means i won't HA HA Happy Halloween!

    1. omgosh yesssssss please dear dog give us a mild winter!!! i have all these cross country schooling passes that expire over the next few months and i'm gonna scream if i end up having to just throw them out ugh.

  7. Oh man, I missed that video the first time around. I've seen it once in person, gag!!

    1. isn't it gloriously intensely wretchedly awful?!

  8. dang, that's a good look. You should definitely bring it back out.

    Also, video sounded super gross, so couldn't watch it. But very fitting for halloween!

    1. ha yea i'm currently at this very moment extremely extremely disappointed with myself that i did not prepare enough to have that mask on hand with me tonight for trick or treating with my niece and nephew -- it's up at the barn right now ugh and i just don't think there's time to get it!!

  9. Maybe an Isabel update during off season?

    1. unfortunately (or fortunately?), there isn't much to update. she continues to live her best life out in a field doing a whole lot of nothing, not that she minds of course!

  10. Fall finally arrived here too! I like fall enough except the dark. I’m dreading the clock change this weekend but nothing for it but to adjust. Hope Charlie is a-ok when you climb back on.

  11. praying for cold tight legs!

    my first halloween with runkle we did the barn halloween parade... I went as runkle and runkle went as me. I wore a horse mask and I put my favorite hat on him and tied purple yarn in his mane (since my hair was purple at the time

    it really made me laugh but runkle nearly kicked my face off when he saw the mask!!

  12. I get the same feeling when I can't be at the barn every day, though my BO is amazing and would tell me if he ate like one piece of hay less than normal. But still... Hope you're able to get back on C soon!

  13. Hoping for a positive update on Charlie's leg! I was too much of a wimp to watch the video :)

  14. Hey Guys

    This post is more a tribute to the horse, and not so much the riders, as so often is the case these days.

    This is a list of the top 10 equine money earners for 2018. I've included the amount each horse has won as well as their win rate, and an image so you can see who they are.




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