
Sunday, August 12, 2018

getting our wings back

I was out of town most of last week for work. Not super duper ideal, but that's kinda just how things go sometimes, right? It was a good trip tho. Same conference I've been going to for something like the last nine years, even since before I changed jobs. Lots of friends and good professional acquaintances and peers.

It got a little dicey tho bc I hadn't been sure I'd be going this year. But meanwhile MCTA's Jenny Camp (which is being held at our home farm this year instead of at Shawan Downs!) was postponed back in May due to weather, and the rain date is TODAY.

Guys. Much excitement.

Even tho. Uh. Yea. I've kinda been away all week.... Oops. Luckily Brita kept the horse ridden for me during my absence. And after seeing him kinda run out of steam at Windurra last week, she actually stepped it up and offered to do trot sets and conditioning work with him instead of just the hacking I had asked. Nice!

this horse, guys <3 from our killer lesson yesterday
And. Uh. So. Maybe I should have Brita condition him more often lol bc he felt like one million dollars during our lesson yesterday. Obvi full post coming soon. But damn. Just look at him. He's such a fucking prince <3 <3 <3

Anyway tho. Back to the point. Today is show day. Actually it's entirely possible that by the time you read this, I'll already be finished my rides.

It's crazy to me how differently this year has played out vs my expectations. Can you believe we've only actually done three full events?? (And yea, that includes Plantation where we didn't even complete). It's been tough to reconcile all my hopes and dreams and plans and hard work against the reality that... sometimes horses are fragile. And sometimes riding is hard. You know how it goes.

But right now things feel really good. The horse feels sound. He feels like he's gotten his head back into the game post-Plantation. And I feel like I've learned a lot about the rider I need to be for him.

I've also been working really really REALLY hard on my attitude and perspective. Meaning: nothing depends on today's outcome. Today isn't a critical domino in a long line of intricate curves and turns. I'm not trying to get to T or anything, not trying to qualify for anything. Just out there trying to put in a good ride and have fun while I'm at it.

If we have a little trouble today, nbd. It's all good. Esp considering it's at our home farm (FINALLY I get to experience the joy that is doing a full event without trailering! Considering we've missed all our opportunities over the past year haha....). So it's really just hopefully gonna be a lighthearted, fun romp across the country.

Hopefully. Fingers crossed haha. Wish us luck and hopefully you're all having a fantastic weekend too as summer slowly winds down ;)


  1. 💜 Charlie. You guys look great. And with that attitude you’ve already won.

    1. aw thanks ;) as far as i'm concerned, we DID win ! (not really, but you know what i mean lol)

  2. Have fun today! That is great Brita has been helping out by getting Charlie ridden while you were out of town! Great friend :) And did you get all moved too? What a busy summer you have had.

    Hope today goes well!

    1. it's been a busy summer for sure but yes the move is all done, thank god! and yea seriously what would we do without friends like brita!

  3. "Nothing depends on today's outcome" - wow, what an important perspective to grasp onto. My bipolar potato has been nailing this one home this summer and I'm starting to get it. Crappy rides do not mean the overall plan is failing. Have fun today!!!!

    1. it's so hard to remember this sometimes even tho it's a simple idea. but ya know. sometimes we need a reminder lol. so glad you guys are feeling some progress too!!!

  4. Holy cow, that photo! You both look amazing!!
    Glad you're back at it and having a great time!

  5. "Sometimes horses are fragile. And sometimes riding is hard"


  6. You both look amazing! That picture is goals for me:) Hope you had a fantastic outing!

    1. aw thanks!! and yes today was freakin perfect. like, obvi not *actually* perfect, but it was just what we needed

  7. I hope you guys had a great day, Charlie looks incredible!

  8. Right there with ya on this years expectation vs reality! It doesn't matter whether it's a big thing, horse thing or small thing, those feelings are hard. You guys look like a million bucks in that picture though! I hope the attitude work starts getting easier & that you guys had a great time today!

    1. aw thanks so much! expectation v reality is one of the hardest things to come to terms with as far as i'm concerned. but. ya know. i guess that's life? but yea today was great ;)

  9. OMG CHARLIE. <3 That pic of you two looks FANTASTIC! I'm hoping you did well! I think with that attitude you've already won! (perhaps not the event (unless you did which would be awesome!) but you know what I mean haha)

    1. lol we didn't win the event but we came a whole lot closer than i ever expected! charlie was a star ;)

  10. I feel like everyone has kinda gone thru that "We need to rise and GRIND" feeling this year and all of us, by default, are re-learning to just enjoy riding the damn horse we have. I mean, still making those necessary training changes and plugging along, but not being so upset when things don't go our way and just striving to keep ourselves moving forwards - even if it is slower than we want??

    1. definitely agreed. it's important to keep working and keep focusing on the small steps toward progress.... but that big picture always needs to be based in enjoying things in the present too. it's a tough balancing act but yup, we do usually get there eventually, right? lol...

  11. That picture is FANTASTIC. Omg. Love. You guys look amazing!!

    1. thanks!!! he's so handsome i can't stand it lol

  12. 💙💙 good to hear

  13. I hope everything went really well :)


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