
Friday, May 25, 2018

cheers to a long weekend!

Happy Friday, everyone!! I'm seriously looking forward to a long weekend here in the States.... Tho unfortunately the forecast is currently sliiiiiightly ominous. Which. Ya know. Ain't exactly the most convenient, considering our plans. But we'll see what happens!

charlie likes to make his barn mates jealous with his grazing lol
It's been mostly a pretty quiet week for Charlie after his back to back stellar lessons last week. He got a day off while I was swamped with deadlines. Then more hacking and woodsy trot sets after a light rainfall. Apparently I'm making a habit of that haha.....

figuring out dem hills
We had another lesson too with upper level event rider trainer K this week, tho honestly I kinda felt like we could have just as easily skipped it. Charlie's been working well and hard recently, and I don't really want to make him dull.

But I couldn't get out to the barn later in the day anyway, so the morning lesson was the most convenient if I wanted to ride at all. And it was fine. Charlie was not really as connected from front to back as he has been, but I didn't sweat it. Honestly he was probably tired.

He did the things, tho. And uh.... the jumps looked really small. Which, ya know, I was fine with bc I'm not really all that interested in jumping max height every time. Afterward tho I asked if any of them even got to 2'9, and apparently a few were there or slightly above. So.... I'm pretty sure trainer P was lying to me about fence height in our lesson last week lol... Tricksy tricksy, that one.

these two are so ridiculous. they make the ugliest faces through their wire grate, and are constantly biting and kicking the wall between them.... but secretly i think they love each other lol via GIPHY

The rest of this week has been pretty low key too. The horse feels good. He feels right where I want him to be. So mostly I'm just focusing on keeping him happy and engaged.

Like pulling him out last night for just some simple ground work exercises to change the subject on him a little bit - while still asking him to think and remember the right answers. And maybe we'll hack out again tonight too, weather permitting.

Weather really permitting for all of the things, honestly haha. We've got some plans for the weekend but will just have to wait and see what storms, if any, actually end up blowing in. Wish us luck!!

Hope y'all have some fun stuff on the docket for the long weekend too! And fingers crossed you can actually spend some time outdoors for it -- ideally with the ponies too!


  1. Your post made me double check the weather this weekend, sadness!! I'm coming down your way for some lessons, I was hoping to see Virginia sun!

    1. Well it might be sunny ! You never know with thunderstorms ;)

  2. i would not know how to act if Memorial Day was not rainy! LOL

    have a good weekend Emma and enjoy your long weekend :)

    Is that Bella by Charlie or a diff gray?

    So cute the grump muppet judges LOL

    1. that's Loki!! he is charlie's barn mate, and was actually charlie's first buddy when he first started getting turned out at this farm. super cute (but kinda annoying haha) pony!

    2. oh i should also say that's not charlie in the gif haha that's his twin, Iggy ;)

  3. Hopefully the rain stays away for you this weekend and you get to enjoy your plans. It looks super rainy here through Monday but you never know.

    1. thanks! i think at this point the rain is a fairly safe bet - i'm just hoping that we can avoid any storms with lightning, since that's what might really scuttle everything lol. we'll see!

  4. So cute! I hope you can definitely do what you're planning this weekend! I'm so glad for the long weekend too lol.

  5. I hope the weather holds at least enough to not ruin your plans!

    1. thank you, me too!! at this point we're just hoping for plain rain and nothing more!!!

  6. Hope the weather holds out! We had rain/wet weather on and off all week and I was worried it would go into the weekend.

  7. I hope you have a good weekend with lots of pony time!


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