
Sunday, February 4, 2018

halter tag

Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow last Friday (grr). But the horses weren't overly concerned with six more weeks of winter when the sun was feeling so warm!!

I'm still pretty annoyed at the continuing persistent cold... but who can argue with the horses feeling happy and playful?!?

"excuse me sir, wat r u doin?!" - charlie
Personally I think it's pretty adorable that despite Charlie being so much bigger than Bandit, you can still pretty much tell who's boss here lol.

"hello, yes, i am very tall"
Oh ponies.... this must be why Charlie's neck is always so chewed up! Or how he somehow ends up with bite marks underneath his blankets...?

matching derp faces ftw
Anyway, I hope everyone is having as much fun as Charlie apparently is this weekend!


  1. So cute. I love watching my horses' play together - although I love the bite marks slightly less, but I'll live with it. In Idaho, we are having the most mild winter ever *knockonwood*(which is comical since everyone else is having miserable winters)- it was 62* yesterday at my house!

    1. ugh i'm so jealous! our temperatures lately haven't been too bad, mostly above freezing during the days and sometimes up to 40s-50s. so... much better than how it was a few weeks ago where we were in the teens for... weeks, it seemed. but still. ugh. i'm tired of it!

  2. Haha yesterday while I was riding, my two gelding were playing a vigorous game of bite-y face and enjoying the sunshine. It made me smile! It looked very similar to Charlie and Bandit 😁

    1. they're so cute when they play haha! sometimes i like watching when they get really into it with jumping and rearing all around and whatnot.... but then again i don't mind the very placid (safe) version above too lol

  3. I love watching a good game of bitey face!

    1. meeeee tooooo. it's nice to have time to just sit back and observe them be horses ;)

  4. There's something so mesmerizing about two geldings playing in a real dumb way haha!

  5. I'm so ready for spring (and so over the blankets)!


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