
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

2ptober: halfway there!

Happy Hump Day, everyone! Hard to believe October is already halfway gone.... But the days are in fact getting shorter and the air most definitely has suddenly turned crisp and brisk. Fall is here, winter is coming, and 2ptober is shifting into the home stretch!

Thanks all for reporting your times so far in our fun little rider challenge contest. We've done our best to collect all your info and report it here as accurately as possible, but please look carefully at the table below to ensure we've got your most up-to-date longest held 2pt time!

Rider Blog Baseline Max Time % Improved
Aimee SprinklerBandits 2:13 2:13 0%
Alex TheHorseDream 0:22 1:53 414%
Amanda Bel Joeor 0:25 3:32 748%
Anxious Eventer Anxious Eventer 2:36 2:36 0%
Bee Tea Riding to B 3:00 3:00 0%
Beth A Truby in Tucson 0:23 1:41 339%
Britt A House on a Hill 5:04 5:04 0%
Chelsey Horseback Writing 2:47 2:47 -1%
Emily Frank 5:38 6:15 11%
Fig Topaz Dreams 0:07 0:31 343%
Holly Marescara 2:02 3:48 87%
J. Alexander It's Cosmic 2:00 8:37 331%
Kaity The Repurposed Horse 4:07 4:07 0%
KateRose Peace & Carrots 2:24 2:24 0%
KC The Pilgrim Chronicles 2:37 5:02 92%
L Williams Viva Carlos 5:25 12:04 123%
Laura Anne 1:11 2:05 76%
Maddy CTR+Halt+DEL 1:15 3:15 160%
Mandy The Everything Pony 3:00 5:40 89%
Megan Phoebe the Freebie 0:20 4:03 1115%
Megan K Go Big or Go Home 3:13 3:13 0%
Molly One Bud Wiser 2:09 3:43 73%
Nadia 3day adventures with horses 4:40 6:15 34%
Niamh Misadventures of a girl and her OTTB 2:43 3:17 21%
Nicole Sharp Zen Baby 1:58 1:58 0%
Olivia DIY Horse Ownership 1:17 1:17 0%
Sara The Roaming Rider 0:32 1:22 156%
SarahO Autonomous Dressage 2:05 2:05 0%
SarahW My Red Mare 2:00 2:00 0%
Teresa Journey with a Dancing Horse 1:44 7:40 342%
Tracy Fly On Over 1:45 1:45 0%

The color coding indicates where you stand among the group in both categories. Deeper reds indicate longer times or greater degrees of improvement, and paler hues show where there's more work to be done.

A note on the percentages: An improvement score of 100% would mean that you have doubled your time (a 100% improvement on your baseline).

The contest for Longest Time is already starting to heat up. L Williams currently holds the lead, but J Alexander and Teresa are closing in, with Emily Frank and Nadia close by in the hunt.

Megan's currently got an edge in the Most Improved category - with Amanda vying for the reserve position. Alex, Fig and Teresa have all posted impressive gains however. And if we know anything from years past, it's that the Most Improved division is anyone's game until the very end!

Of course there are still quite a few of you who have not yet submitted a time for the first weeks of October, which is basically akin to automatically absenting yourself from the "Most Improved" game. And, it turns out, the Longest Time game has gone on ahead and gotten past where anyone could win on their baselines anyway.

So if you want a shot at those sweet prizes (custom embroidered saddle pad plus a bath bomb and some pain pills to ease your aching muscles lol) you've gotta put in that time!

Of the 31 participants, the average longest held time is 3:45, and as a group all your longest times add up to nearly 2 hours of sustained two point position while riding. That's really impressive. Nice work!! Keep it up - two weeks left to really push yourself for the longest, most improved position!


  1. wow look at those improvements! I am finding myself enjoying this challenge that I joined because 'well why not?'. :D

    1. yay i'm glad you're having fun with it - esp since you're currently in the Top 5 for both divisions!

    2. *feeling my inner competitor rise up*

  2. Mine from last night was 8:31. AND I'm wearing heels to work this morning. That should be a bonus! :)

  3. 1115% improved sounds so much more impressive than 4 minutes hahahaha. Pro tip for those who have limited riding time, do some wall sits! Painful and effective!

    1. lol yea the "most improved" class is definitely good for that! and good idea about the wall sits

  4. Holy crap it turns out that busting my ass is paying off!

    I was thinking, while working on it this past week, that it would be fun to track cumulative practice time. My final time was my fifth stretch of practice this past week, so probably I logged more like 30 minutes total in two point over the week. So I wonder who spends the longest time, total, in two point position over the course of the month?

    1. i definitely tracked my own cumulative times as a competitor. as a contest host tho, it's hard enough to get ppl to report on their longest time, let alone ALL of their practice time haha. but i definitely encourage you to do so on your own!

  5. I need to get another time but tbh, I ride once a week,if that, because I'm afraid of my super chill horse. But getting on and walking in 2pt can't be that bad, right?

    1. definitely - 2pt practice is the perfect excuse to buck up and log that saddle time even if you're nervous. i'm 100% convinced that just the act of getting into and out of the saddle as often as possible is the most important (and effective) step in conquering those nerves!

    2. And 2pt has the added bonus of killing my legs, so I don't have to canter.

      Yeah, I intend to event, yet I can't canter my horse.

    3. ha i know that feeling... it's cool tho - canter isn't even really technically required until BN ;) some starter level divisions use USDF Intro C for their dressage test, but that only has like, five steps of canter in each direction. an inviting enough way to get started!

  6. So awesome! Great job everyone. I am getting very pumped to push past and try and get that sweet, sweet, sweet Personal record!

  7. I've never been so motivated to go to the barn and practice my two point, lol! I feel like once you get past a certain point you don't even notice the pain anymore.. ok, maybe not

  8. I didn't think I'd be competitive but my last night time puts me in the 1000% improvement category so now I'm kinda wanting to win the most improved. haha

    Its your fault for making awesome prizes!

  9. You all are doing AWESOME!!! GET IT!! And many thank you's to Emma, Empress of Graphs, for compiling the data!


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