
Friday, February 3, 2017


Happy Friday, y'all! I'm thrilled to be staring down the weekend (tho we're not quite there yet).

You ever had one of those weeks where you wake up on Monday and you are READY?? Like, you're going to grab this week by the horns, git shit done, and take no prisoners?

Like. I had a plan going into this Monday. It included a couple days in DC for work... but also a fairly structured schedule for Mr Charlie Murray in between.

All that had to happen was execution of said plan. Ya know. Easy, right?

Haha. Hahahaha.

Well... sometimes those plans go to hell in a hand basket. Or... uh.... sometimes you get an unexpected face-full of birdbath water haha, and no birdie.

It doesn't take much of that before suddenly all the wind is knocked from our sails and we're on to Plan B. Which, incidentally, is decidedly less ambitious than our aggressive "We're gonne KILL IT this week!!" Monday plans haha.

And by the time Friday rolls around.... Well. All I can say was that I tried.

Here's to a happy weekend for everyone!


  1. All hail the queen of the GIFs! The donkeys are hysterical.

  2. This week has also annihilated me. Not helped by the fact that I spent 100% of last weekend working outdoors during daylight hours and watching West World during evening hours, so I wasn't prepped at all for the coming week. Hopefully I can induce a little more balance this weekend so that next week runs more smoothly!

    1. ugh balance. so hard. expectations v reality. the best laid plans of mice and men....

  3. I'm still laughing at the birdbath one! Between adulting things and appointments and dark and cold my plan for an additional barn night fell by the wayside this week. It stinks but I know that no matter how much I wish he was, Duke isn't standing by the gate saying "where is she? It's been 3 days already!!" But I'm still glad its the weekend and I can see the grumpy old man. Happy weekending to you and Charlie!

    1. le sigh, yup. charlie is definitely *not* sitting around thinking, "gee i wish i was working more!" either!! hope you guys have a wonderful weekend too!!!

  4. Sounds like my kind of planning. There's always next week right?

  5. TGIF is right! This week was brutal :(

    1. Also thank you for the amazing GIFs as always ;)

    2. lol glad you enjoyed! sometimes we just need an extra little bit of ridiculousness haha

  6. Man, that was totally my week. Awesome Gifs!

  7. The GIF game makes up for the week in my opinion (not that my opinion counts for anything). This week kicked my butt and I only have motivation for sleeping at the moment.

    1. oh man sleep sounds so good right about now haha!!! soon enough, soon enough!!

  8. Sorry your week fell a part a bit. Mine was the opposite. I started it all "ugh this week is going to suck" but it ended up flying by and being productive.

  9. I too have had a rough week, but your GIF's make it better. All hail the GIF queen!

  10. Enjoy your weekend! Also, I probably came back to this page 10 times today just to look at the gifs "one more time." The hedgehog cute I just can't stop looking.

  11. I'm feeling incredibly optimistic for this week.....but give it until Monday morning :)


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