
Sunday, February 19, 2017

no dogs were harmed

But a certain gray mare we know and love mayyyy or may not have accidentally jumped the dog.... oops haha. Dog was unfazed tho. Maybelle don't care! Updates on that ride soon :)

nope, dog definitely does not care
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good weekend! Things have been fairly quiet on the riding front since I was out of town most of last week. And unfortunately a miscommunication with Charlie's barn staff led to the big guy sitting in his stall for 2 full days without turnout.... Ugh.

sucks, buddy!
Which apparently led to much violent weaving (I don't blame him!), during which he whacked himself something good on the inside of his RF. Poor guy. And of course he's such a delicate flower that the whole leg blew up.

the struggle is SO REAL
Oh well. Nothing a little ice and freedom to move about the cabin pasture can't fix haha, Since as soon as I got back in town and could reassure the staff that the horse was not in fact dying, he was finally returned to his regularly scheduled turnout.

I'm not sure the barn staff shares my opinions about turnout.... In fact I'm positive they do not. Which is fine. Everyone does it a little differently. Just. Ya know. You don't have to like what I say.... but you do have to do it. Since. Ahem. I pay the horse's board.... And I'll need a pretty convincing reason why he should spend days on end cooped up in a box plz thx. The above wound alas does not meet my criteria (I know, I'm evil and totally unsympathetic to Charlie's plight. Sue me.)

i think he'll live. tho i'm keeping leg transplantation on the table as an option just in case
Luckily for everyone involved, the weather has suddenly turned absolutely freaking glorious so Charlie even went out totally naked this weekend!! Crazy - I hope he's enjoying himself!

The weather meant we had basically perfect conditions for our weekly lesson at OF yesterday with Brita and her mare Bella (jumper of the above dead-looking dog haha, who I assure you was not harmed in the making of this lesson!). More exciting details to come on that soon!

In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. The weather is beautiful today! Poor Charlie- Irish cannot handle staying in his stall. He doesn't weave but he will step forward and back and forward and back in his stall shaking his head. It's his own version of weaving I think. Fortunately he's stuck inside very rarely (since I have complete control)- only when there's a storm.
    Even then he gets a bit dramatic about it.

    Fortunately Carmen is fine staying in.

    1. Charlie is actually pretty darn comfy in his stall... Which is why it's easy to inadvertently leave him in for WAY too long. Poor guy. He's ok right up until he isn't.

  2. These things happen! Glad Charlie is only slightly worse for the wear, haha

  3. Two whole days of solitary confinement?! Poor Charlie. Just wondering, do you usually have winter there (as in snow)? So jealous you can see actual real ground. We have been covered in snow since early December and I am really starting to miss solid ground. lol!

    1. Typically we DO get winter. Months of weather around or below freezing and occasional ice and snow storms. This year has just been incredibly mild...

  4. Gotta love those quarter-sized injuries that make the whole leg blow up like a balloon. And of course in turn make everyone and their mother think that your horse is d.y.i.n.g.
    Glad he is back to his regular turnout schedule though!

    1. Ugh I'm glad too. Homeboy has gotta get his free time!!

  5. I was ready to start making FREE CHARLIE! protest signs! Glad the big dude has been released!

  6. I hate those kind of mix ups! Glad Charlie 'survived' ;)

    1. yea me too... i guess it's useful to relearn that lesson again about that thing they say about making assumptions... lol

  7. OMG dogs in the way when I am jumping is my BIGGEST fear. Glad no one was hurt an og definitely looks unfazed. Poor Charlie being in his stall. I'm with ya if you want something done, it nees to get done. Very frustrating!

    1. lol yea i didn't even know she jumped the dog until she told me later ha! that pup basically melts into the ground like jello tho so maybe she didn't even notice?

  8. oooo dear.

    runkle spent last night (and hopefully will spend tonight!!) OUTSIDE!!!

    oh god let the turnout schedule change over soon. turnout is so magic i love it so much.

    1. turnout is the best ever - yay for Runkle getting out!!!!

  9. He was just jelly of Bobby's RF leg. Don't do it, Charlie. Do not even.

  10. Once during a jump lesson Ellie spent the entire hour moving into the shadow of the fence that we were JUST about to jump. Every time trainer would call Ellie back to her side, and then while we rested before the next fence Ellie would find that one and lay in its shadow. It was almost too coincidental...

    1. i swear it's like they know. those darn dogs just want to be in the middle of things all the time!

  11. Annie whacked her left front yesterday and thankfully her leg didn't blow up. Delicate flowers they are! Houston's would have been a tree trunk.

    1. ugh yea for real. luckily charlie's swelling receded to being fairly localized to the site of said whack by the time i saw it (at least that's what i'm hoping based on the state of emergency declared by his care takers...) but they certainly are fragile!

  12. Dude, I'd be pretty furious if my horse was kept in for 2 days for no good reason! Moving around can really help with little injuries like that and I'm sure the stall rest encouraged it to blow up. Glad it's merely a flesh wound and he can get back to his usual schedule!

    1. yea agreed. i feel the same way about weighing the benefits of turnout vs the perceived upsides of protecting the wound. tho it would appear that everyone views things a little differently and i'm going to have to be a bit more explicit in helping my barn staff avoid making judgement calls they're not super comfortable with...

  13. Poor guy with his leg - trust me I've been through enough leg things to last me a lifetime now...

  14. I have definitely jumped dogs before. I am glad Charlie is ok!


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