
Sunday, February 26, 2017

heart strings

Strange busy weekend so far. In a good way, I think. But strange. It actually took a bit of a surprise twist. With regard to a certain red headed mare we all know and love.

specifically, this one
I'll probably write more about it later... but this weekend unexpectedly saw me putting a schooling ride on said mare for the first time since.... gosh, June? Since which point she's basically been living the retired pasture puff lifestyle.

Sure, I had the lease on her through October... but we had ceased all purposeful training by July, just sticking to trails and paper chases, and had our last ride after four years together in September.

Until this weekend, that is.

she's still lovable
Turns out I'm just still emotionally invested in the mare's life and future. And while my own path with the horse has sadly ended, the hope is that she might have a promising new opportunity. We'll see what happens!


  1. I can't say that I remember every horse I ever rode but I do remember a lot of them. It's hard to let go which is one reason I never went the lease route. Not that I think it's a bad option- it just wasn't for me.

  2. Fingers crossed she finds a gig she enjoys! I don't remember every horse I've ever thrown a leg over, but the ones I rode for any period of time, even if I didn't own them... yeah, they linger. I tend to get attached and it's hard for me to let go. Fortunately (?) my budget keeps me from hoarding.

  3. Izzy! :') Some horses will always have our heart. I hope the new opportunity works out!

  4. Aww, I bet it was great! I hope she gets as great a rider as she had with you!

  5. Oh wow! Excited to hear more details <3

  6. <3 can't wait to hear more details if things work out! Sometimes the paths life takes us on are interesting and unexpected!

  7. Awe...Izzy! Life really is strange and unpredictable. I'm glad she is doing well and she looks great.

  8. aw im glad youre on her again. I really like her <3

  9. Happy that you ended up on her again, even for a short time! Leasing would be so hard, I think. I'm bad at letting go!

  10. Interested to see where this goes!

  11. I'm very much like that with Vinnie -- the horse I leased before I bought Miles. Luckily, he's my trainer's personal horse so I still get to see him all the time <3


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