
Thursday, January 19, 2017

tbt: an ode to Isabel

One of these days I'll get around to writing a proper retelling of my and Isabel's story together. I had actually hoped to parlay it into a 2016 Year in Review type post.... but... just couldn't. Got to March, and had to stop. Picked it back up and got through June and.... just no.

Idk. I'm still pretty sad at the way things turned out with Izzy. Not that she did anything wrong - I just wish I could have done more for her. Alas, the pitfalls of leasing rather than owning....

As it is, tho, she remains a very dear mare to me. And I have so many fond memories, so many new and exciting experiences, all attributable to her.

So. One day there will be a post containing all my favorite pictures and memories and stories - and it will be fucking giant haha, bc Isabel did everything. To date, she has given me my best memories of literally everything horse related. From jumping higher, to dressaging harder, to galloping faster than I've ever galloped before, to plain old hacking around the fence lines.

For now, tho, I'll just be satisfied with this one simple screen shot of Isabel doing what Isabel did: absolutely dominating that jump and giving it an effort worth something twice its size.

Game mare.


  1. That's a great shot. You will tell the story when you're ready.

  2. Amazing picture! Leasing is tough. It definitely has some great advantages, but sometimes lacking control is hard.

  3. Amazing picture. You and her seemed like an awesome team. When you're ready, write it all down, and I will eagerly read.

  4. You and Izzy were pretty fing awesome and I am sure all those amazing experiences will help you as you train Charlie.

  5. Although I didn't start following your blog until near the end of your journey with Izzy, she sounded like an amazing horse and you guys were clearly a great team. I can't wait for your in depth history, whenever you get around to writing it 😁

  6. I'm a bit behind on blogs so haven't commented her in a long time, but you and Izzy were an awesome team and I'm sure that she looks back just as fondly. ♥

  7. I'm late to this party, blog wise... but I can tell Isabel was something special.

  8. The Mare Glare will always hold a special place! <3

  9. What you went through with Isabelle is one of the reasons why I decided that I shouldn't lease a horse.

  10. Gotta treasure the good moments, no matter how they ended up. :-)

  11. Aww Isabel.
    She will always be a good one.

  12. Love me some Isabel :) You two were a fantastic team. Can't wait for that story

  13. <3

    I think that's all that needs to be said.

  14. There's something to be said about a horse that makes you feel invincible, isn't there

  15. I had wondered if I missed something with Izzy… but even if it wasn't an ideal situation ending the lease it worked out in the end bc you have a fabulous horse named Charlie!!!!

  16. Love that picture, even if things didn't work out the way you wanted. Sometimes you can't fix everything no matter how hard you try. :(

  17. I look forward to reading it. <3

  18. Izzy! She's such a special mare <3

  19. Gosh I love this pic! Still stumps me....Why the butt wrinkles lol


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