
Friday, October 14, 2016

friday fragments!

Or should I call this another Friday Foto Finish? Whatever. Same subject, alternative alliteration.


Here's a raft of random photographic happenings from the last month or so that have not managed to make it into a post of their own (despite my best intentions). Each fragment is meaningful to me tho so I want to document them here for posterity and reflection!!

Like that time I went to Plantation with Alli and Megan K!! I can't believe I still haven't edited the media to do this post... ugh. I made a video tho - it's below if you're interested! Who knows, maybe one rainy cold day I'll get around to posting all the awesomely bad ass pictures from this day. Maybe in mid winter when we're all wishing to get back outside again? For now tho, enjoy the video :)    (and my weak promises to do a better job about Fair Hill this weekend!!!!)

Also the DIY customized fringe bonnet train has kept on rolling - with some old dusty stained navy monstrosity that turned into something passable after a trip to my local crafts shop. Charlie now has his very own sparkle hat!! And just look at all those bead options - really the possibilities are endless!

And. Um. Just sticking this in here bc there's really no rhyme or reason to it, but I shared my morning metro commute with a butterfly last week and it somehow felt oddly special. So. Butterflies. You're welcome.

Moving on to other special, tho decidedly sad, happenings.... I'm not the only one among my group of friends who has experienced major upheavals in horsey life. Being purposefully vague (lest my rage and heartbreak boil over), Brita lost the lease on Wick. They had an incredibly special and inspiring journey together, and Wick is a much better and more valuable horse for the time he spent in Brita's care. 

No rest for the weary tho - I don't call Brita my 'life coach' for nothing. She's already undertaken a new journey with another promising yet green horse. So you haven't seen the last of her yet! Once Charlie and I have this whole 'trailer' thing figured out, we'll be right back on the weekly riding lesson routine with these guys!! In the meantime tho we're getting our fix with beers 'n puppies and occasionally jump judging together at events. #winning

Speaking of events and horse shows, Charlie's home barn has hosted a couple shows in the past few weekends. It's proved to be a good opportunity to expose him to heightened atmosphere (including the PA system and noisy air compressors and generators). He's proven to be a little spooky about some of it, so I'm grateful to have these opportunities for practice while we're at home!

Because we all know how much I love horse shows! Competing in horse shows, spectating at horse shows, and supporting friends at horse shows - I love it all! Especially like this past weekend, when Amelia from Dark Jewel Designs (remember her guest post from earlier this summer?) made her way down to Loch Moy!! So obviously I had to get out there to meet her and her lovely gelding, Duke!! 

Plus it was just a gorgeous (albeit VERY windy) day - perfect for taking in all the sights and getting in some cross country course walking (a favorite activity of mine, even tho I haven't had a course of my own to walk since May....), and observing legends like Bruce Davidson Sr casually pilot his lovely gray through the training courses. And notice - that's the same horse from when we watched him do the puissance at Plantation?!? 

Anyway tho, getting out there to watch Amy and Duke KILL IT in stadium and cross country was so cool - thanks so much for inviting me!!! Even tho I had already ridden that morning before going out (that was the day Charlie tackled his first actual jump under saddle!), I was totally inspired to go home and ride again. lol. Luckily for Charlie man, I satisfied myself with beers and football instead. #priorities....

Of course another benefit of seeing Amy at Loch Moy was strategizing about refitting the many beautiful customized bead strands she's made me into Charlie-size browbands. I can't wait - he's going to look soooooo good!!!! :D

And, bc let's be real, no post is complete without at least one adorable Charlie pic - here he is trying on his winter clothes. What can I say, but that homeboy looks good in navy!!

Happy Friday, y'all - here's to having a great weekend!!


  1. omg that SUCKS about wick. seriously.

    in other news, i should be a commentator for eventing. "omg its so cute." "omg awesome" "omg its welcome shadow"

    1. Aw but girl isn't Boyd at Pau? I don't think we will be seeing Welcome Shadow :(

    2. i know :( missing her first four star, im so sad.

    3. I'm kinda sad to miss seeing Boyd take all his horses thru too. Oh well, good luck to them all the same!

  2. That's too bad about the lease. I do love him in blue- very snazzy.

    1. I love him in blue too! Can't wait til we are eventually show ready and I can pull out my blue coat !!! :D

  3. So sorry to hear about Brita & Wick, but glad she has found another green bean to share her fab skills with.

    Loved this catch up posy and am so Kelly of all the fun times you manage to fit in! How do you do it all?!

    1. Lol well it's pics taken over the course of the month, and is mostly random pics snapped while shopping or riding the metro haha. Not sure whether I "fit in" more than others- maybe I just take more silly pictures? Haha

  4. You have way more going on than I do. My photo roll would be Stinker looking cute, Stinker looking goofy, between the ears (x million because I suck at pictures) with a smattering of things I took screenshots of so I could group text them...

    1. Ha but I love those pics too!! My next Charlie post will be like that lol

  5. I still can't thank you enough for coming to Loch Moy! It was so great to meet you and have you there for support :) Want to do all my coursewalks with me from now on? :D

    1. YAS I want to come to all the events and walk all the courses!!! Congrats again on such an awesome ride - you guys made it look like cake!!

    2. Millbrook is worth driving for since we have all the way up through Advanced. Maybe a NY road trip next year in the midst of all the Area 2 stuff :D

    3. oooooh that could be fun! :D

  6. Your life is more exciting than mine. If I posted the random pics I have it would include a bunch of toddler pics, some random sunsets and maybe a horse if I'm lucky!

    1. Lol well replace the toddler with a puppy and the sunset with a butterfly and it's basically the same thing

  7. Sucky about Brita and Wick 😔 but the rest of the post is pure awesomeness! Charlie looks dashing in navy!

  8. BUTTERFLY!! That made me like... unreasonably happy. How majikal to ride the subway with such a pretty friend!

    1. Ha I thought so too!! I wonder what stop it got off at ;)

  9. Charlie with all the cute things, can't wait to see him in his new hat and sparkly browband!

    I did get 6:16 in two point last night, better than moving backwards like last week. Ha!

    1. oooh yay for progress! you still have until sunday to shoot for an even longer week 2 time, too!! :D

  10. ugh I guess I totally forgot she was leasing Wick- I am so bummed for her! Glad she is already finding some exciting new possibilities.
    I am ready to see those sparkly brow bands in action!

    1. yea it's a real shame how it all went down... leasing is great for so many things but damn it can really suck sometimes.

  11. I love where I live (Free healthcare for the win!) but these kind of posts make me jealous. The amount of events within a reasonable distance seems amazing

    1. we are just plain lucky just in this particular area too - with so many 2* and 3* events basically in our backyard. it helps that many of these pros also happen to live fairly local to the area! (or maybe that's why they live here?)

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not Brita and Wick :(

    1. i'm filled with seething, frothing rage. and much sadness :(

  13. Ugh that's so heartbreaking for Brita and Wick. Even to this internet stranger they seemed like such a lovely pair. But, each new horse teaches us new things, and I'm sure Brita will still go on to do great things! As always, I'm super jealous that you guys have so many things you can go to and I'm super annoyed with my particular area for sucking in that regard.

    1. ugh they had such a great partnership. it's funny tho - her new horse is really REALLY similar to isabel in some ways, and Charlie is more similar to Wick. add in the sizing of the two horses (we legitimately traded girths and browbands and boots) and it's almost weirdly like we traded horses.

  14. Happy Friday! Sorry to hear about Brita and Wick, but happy to hear she's already found a new partner.

    1. thankfully she's not one to dwell and is quick to move on to better and brighter things. including what happens to be a lovely, and fannnncy gray mare!!! :D

  15. So upset about Brita & Wick :( But I want to steal her puppy

  16. That's a cool bunch of photos! That jump in the first one would give me nightmares though O.o

  17. So sorry for Brita and Wick :( Sometimes leasing is so damn hard... Hugs to her.

    Also, loving the navy on Charlie and can't wait to see those browbands on him!!

  18. Charlie looks MAGNIFICENT in navy. And this bonnet-rejuvenation thing is something I could really get behind!

    (Also is this where I report my latest 2 point time? 8 minutes! boom.)

  19. Wow, such a horrible turn in Brita's journey with Wick! :( I hope the new horse turns out to be a gift in disguise.


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