
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

sneak peek at the 2016 Plantation Field Horse Trials!

So I feel kinda guilty about this post. It's a weird hybrid between teaser and kinda giving away the whole farm. Basically you always know when I go to a big event, I'm going to have a TON of media, but maybe not the most words.

And here I am wasting most of those words, with only a fraction of the media. Bc.... I've been too busy falling in love with the oh-so-lovable Charlie to edit media. Sorry, kinda? Not really? But also, in my defense, videos take for-fucking-ever to upload on my home internet. But ooooh I have Plantation videos, I promise!

But because I feel compelled to give you something in the meantime, here are some huntsmen and hounds. Both of these riders are in fact Maryland Hunt Cup winners. To quote the announcer, Legendary. 

And speaking of legends, we got to see a bareback puissance class during the lunch break between the 2* and 3* cross country. It was maybe a slightly unusual puissance too, in that there was a team aspect. And who else to have as a team captain other than the incredible Bruce Davidson Sr?!? Mounted on a lovely dapple gray bc of course! (And yes he's in the video too :D)

Naturally, the puissance had running commentary by none other than Dom Schramm, with Phillip Dutton (far right) pinch hitting as jump crew. Bc of course. As promised, video and media abound!

Plus drones. All of cross country was captured by these crazy apparati, which sound for all the world like SO MANY BEEEEEEES.

At the end of the day tho, it was all about some BAD ASS cross country. Like the above. Giant 3* oxer trakehner? Nbd, let's jump it one-handed. Incredible. Just... wow. 

Plus so much more - I promise I have so many pictures and videos etc of most of the jumps ridden. Tho obvi I had to take a special shot of this 2* hanging log sponsored by Good Ol' Dan. 

Oooh and obvi leaving the best details for last - the day was perhaps most special bc I got to spend it with some of my favorite bloggers (and friends in text life), Allison of PONY'TUDE (plus hubby Mike) and Megan of Let's Get Ready to Runkle


  1. This was such a fun afternoon! I will forever be in awe of those UL riders and how coolly they jump those giant fences. Repeat adventure to Fair Hill???

    1. Yasss definitely repeat at fair hill!!! I'm already looking forward to it!!

  2. most attractive picture of us ever

    lolol that drone picture turned out way better than i thought

    1. Ha I do what I can - and apparently snapped more than one pic of the drone!!

    2. i had a LOT of fun on sunday, my face really hurt from laughing so, solid day

    3. So much fun!!! And so inspirational I didn't even need to drink heavily to be brave enough to ride the horse lol

    4. There was a less-attractive picture. She chose the good one! I am still kind of giggling about the fart jokes, two days later..

    5. Lolz. I will be digging up that goat photo to send to you. I swear. You can totally tell.

  3. Whatever you are all eating in that last photo needs to be mine!

  4. Replies
    1. Definitely fun! I just love watching big shows!

  5. This looks like a perfection kind of a day

  6. Adorable new horse is a legitimate reason not to edit photos. Sounds like a fun day!

  7. What are you guys eating in your last picture because it looks awesome.


  9. That looks like so much fun! And no shame for being in love with Charlie, I'm in love with him too. Good thing I'm far from MD

    1. ha yup, he's too big to stow away in your suitcase for sure lol

  10. They do sound like a flock of angry bees. I want one but at the same time I don't want to deal with A) the cost of the thing and then B) desensitizing the horses to some buzzy thing following them!

    1. actually the horses don't seem to really notice the buzzing above them but yea, idk if i would want to deal with one either lol. i'd be too afraid i'd crash it!!


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