
Friday, September 30, 2016

Same Challenge, New Hosts: 2ptober 2016!!

It's about to be October, everyone!!! And we're here to demand your attention with a new challenge.

Well, not new, exactly - this is the same contest you've perhaps come to know and love from previous years: The Two Point Challenge!! This fun effort to improve as riders across blogland was previously hosted by the lovely L Williams and Hillary and has now changed hands to yours truly and Megan.

Megan and I are very excited to host this challenge and hope to rise to the wonderful example set in years past. But to do so, we need your participation!!

Luckily, we have incentives haha. Muahaha. Prize post to follow separately next week, but it's packed full of some of blogland's favorite goodies thanks to our sponsors.

So if you want a shot at the title (and the right to proudly post a winner's badge on your blog), get started with your baselines this weekend!

The Rules:

- Please sign up in the comments below or in Megan's post. We will compile all submissions and track progress using super secret hi-tech proprietary algorithms (or, ya know, excel haha).

- During your next ride, start your stopwatch/phone/timer/look at a clock/get a friend to help/whatever, and assume the two point position. Hold your two point as long as you possibly can (no leaning on hands!), and note the time. This will be your baseline. 

- Tell us your baseline in a comment here or in Megan's blog. Simply posting on your blog does not count.

- Make a plan and track your progress. Report your weekly progress (of all your numbers that week) to us at the end of each week (Friday or Saturday) in a comment.

- Spread the word!! The more the merrier! (This will not increase your chances of winning, only your sweat and tears can do that!)

- You have until Wednesday, October 5th to sign up and send us your baseline. So hop to it this weekend!

- There are two categories to win: Most Improved and Longest Time, and each category will have a separate winner. If someone is captures both most improved and the longest time spent in two point, we will choose a second winner. There will also be runner-ups in both categories. So FOUR distinct winners!

- As like last year, we have some excellent sponsors providing fun prizes. Stay tuned for a post on Monday with all the details!


Last year, Figure from Topaz Dreams blew us all away with her incredible time of 00:40:38, and Erin from The Story So Far wowed with a 1,350% improvement on her baseline score over the course of the month.

Runners up were Alli from PONY'TUDE with an impressive longest time of 00:23:01, and Three Chestnuts improved by 565%. 

This contest serves as a kick in the pants to be the strongest rider you can be - and push your own personal limits. You don't need to hold the position for 40 minutes to win either (tho it's totally badass if you do), as the "Most Improved" category is really anyone's game. Just gotta improve improve improve!

And ALSO, let's not forget: This is furthermore a great opportunity to participate (virtually at least) with all of blogland in a fun contest, and maybe meet a few new bloggers in the process. 
    So get ready, get set, and start your timers!


    1. I love 2Pointober! I'll be participating unofficially, since I won't be home to get a baseline until well past the deadline.

      1. oh no - maybe you need to steal a horse at Devon just to get your baseline?!? i think that's totally doable. you have until wednesday, after all!!!

      2. Haha, I could try! Maybe I will try to get up at 5 am and go for a ride before I leave for Houston on Tuesday. (Probably not happening, as my flight lands at 11 pm Monday night!)

    2. I have such a love hate relationship with 2ptober! Count me in. I'll get a baseline this weekend.

    3. Count me in, I won three years ago and haven't really participated since. Time to give it another go!

      1. definitely time for another shot at the title!!

    4. This makes me tired just thinking about it 😂

      1. tired, sure. but totes worth it. you're doing it, right?!? :D

      2. I'm a dressage queen, 2 pt currently isn't really part of my repertoire 😂😂😂 hahahaha. I can pretty much guarantee I would forget to track after like 3 days so it would probably be silly to sign up. But I'm gonna grab some popcorn for the event! Lol. I love all the fun contests you guys do!

      3. uh huh, sure sure, as you wish. tho i would kindly point out that my esteemed co-chair, Megan, is herself a gold medalist dressage rider and dedicated 2ptober fan ;)

    5. Replies
      1. oh does it have to be a certain gait or is it just whatever you want?

      2. it's whatever you want :) some gaits are easier than others obvi but you can make it as challenging or simple as possible. you can transition between gaits, go for trail rides, whatever. doesn't matter. just assume that position and hold it!

    6. I am SO down for this this year! All that squatting in CF better put some good use in. Though, I still have an injured back so we will see....but count me in!

    7. Wooo, I'm not sure if I'll be able to squeeze in a baseline (because no horse no barn) but I'll see what I can muster up!

      1. you need to enter bc now you are actually eligible to WIN!!! make it happen girlfriend!! :D

      2. L, come use Cosmo for your baseline!

      3. yassss L & Carey & Cosmo!!!

    8. I'm in! Thanks for hosting this year!

      1. excellent :) i'm SO EXCITED to be hosting this year! (esp since i never managed to be very competitive as an entrant lol)

    9. HELL YES!! I am going to WIN IT this year, no more second place for me!! *flexes muscles* Since you and Megan are in charge this is going to be seriously fun. Gotta get my barn girls to participate too!

    10. Thanks for hosting this year!! My baseline is a lowly 1:26

    11. Ok, I'm in, just to check, do I get props for being the worst? Is that a thing? Can I get a badge?

    12. Oh man! i will try and steal a pony to get a baseline on Monday! My pony is enjoying a 2 week vacation :)

    13. Sounds fun! I won't be participating, but will follow along.

    14. So, fun cant wait. Will be back with baseline soon.

    15. Thanks for hosting! I'm in but somehow my ability to 2 point disappeared? Or maybe my ability to follow directions? Anyway, thanks to the no holding mane rule and current my habit of doing so just because, I had a pathetic 33.1 seconds...

    16. I'm in! My baseline is 2:06:19 (two mins, 6 seconds, and 19 miliseconds) :D

    17. Count me in! I got 47 seconds.

    18. 40 minutes? Lord, seriously? Without breaks? I don't think that can physically be possible unless she can't feel the pain anymore. Maybe alcohol and drugs were involved....

      Count me in, I will try to get a baseline tomorrow? Yay for 2pointober!

    19. Baseline is 7:21. Maybe shouldn't have done this after doing squats... Ow.

    20. So sad I can't participate, but I will not be able to set a baseline until Saturday, which is after the start date. Blah.

    21. So I'm definitely trying to think of ways to be able to do this with my boot leg. You know, still participate in a modified challenge? Herm.

    22. I'll get a baseline in tomorrow night when I get home from barn, hope that's not too late? Yesterday was introducing the mareface to the indoor arena and all the "scary" things, didn't think it wise to venture 2-point just yet until she was satisfied her new home wasn't going to eat her lol

    23. 1:17 baseline. I am pathetic. I only act like I'm in shape.

    24. Ok....finally going to try to participate this year. My baseline is a whopping 5 seconds. I'm doing this bareback on my barrel shaped drunk mare. I'd be surprised if I saw much improvement. Thanks from hosting!

    25. 1 minute and 47 seconds!! I'm way more out of shape than I thought I

    26. I have a baseline! 1 minute, 54 seconds.

    27. Missed the deadline so I will be participating unofficially... will get a baseline today 😀


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