
Friday, September 2, 2016

my strange obsession: barn door vistas

I'm gonna be totally honest here. This post basically makes no sense. But I noticed something a little while ago. A strange habit of mine (one among many, let's be real).

While yes, I can be relied on to snap pictures of even the most mundane subjects, there was one subject that seemed to crop up often. And it's not just cats, guys!

Stevenson, MD
For whatever reason, whenever I visit a new farm I like to snap a picture looking out one of the doors onto whatever vista might lie beyond. And now that I've noticed the habit, I'm just gonna go ahead and make it a purposeful thing to do.

Boyds, MD
It's a weird subject bc the lighting is often such that most details inside the barn are lost in darkness, leaving just a strange black frame around the picture created through the door. This has the added disadvantage of amplifying any crookedness in the picture's composition.

Kennet Square, PA
But I still keep doing it. And usually crookedly too bc I never claimed to have a good eye for that kind of thing lol.

Santa Clara County, CA
Somehow tho, I kinda love these pictures. They seem to give such a sense of the character of each farm. Or maybe at least where the farm is located? And I feel like part of the whole barn experience is intrinsically tied to the surrounding environment.

Glen Arm, MD
(this might be my first ever picture of this type subject - photo taken in early 2015)
So yea. This is obviously pretty random. And only kinda sorta horse adjacent (literally lol). I like it tho, so my blog my pictures haha.

That said tho - should any of you bloggers out there be inclined to snap and post similar pics of your own barn(s) I'd love to see them! Or, if you don't blog or don't want to post yourself, but kinda want your pic added to the mix, email the pic to fraidycat.eventing at gmail and I'll post them in a group! (Especially bc I'm sure to take more eventually haha)


  1. Replies
    1. it's definitely very VERY different from what i'm used to in maryland!

  2. I love those pictures. I haven't done it with my barn because it isn't pretty on either end. But if it was I would totally take a picture like that.

    1. ha idk, i don't think it has to be 'pretty' in the traditional or classic sense (my barn sure isn't haha) but it's still fun to see :)

  3. These "framed" type photos & think it's a really cool blog hop to remember to snap some pix at the yard over the weekend 😅

    1. ooooh yes please do! i always like seeing how barns are different (and similar!) in other countries :D

  4. I love those shots! I'll have to make it a point to take pics out of both my barn at home and the barn Ruby is boarded at 😀

    1. definitely do! i imagine it's pretty different from a home farm to a boarding farm

  5. I love that kind of framed shot, but I'm going to one up you- Husband came out to the barn one day with me years ago and snapped a barn door pic looking out the back door of our indoor... except Mikey and I are silhouetted in the frame too.

    1. nice!!!! i love those shots too!! i have one lying around somewhere of me and isabel trotting through a doorway, but it's so overblown with light that pretty much no detail is distinguishable either inside or outside

  6. Those are really neat. If I had a barn is send you one :)

    1. i mean, any horsey related doorway would probably do :)

  7. This is one of my photographer hubby's FAVORITE things to shoot! He is obsessed with getting silhouettes in barn doors - got some great ones of Austen and Pig when we were there!

    1. nice! i've seen a lot of portraits of people and horses standing in front of darkened doorways, but not a lot of the reverse, where the landscape is the focus

  8. I love it! I'll have to grab some from barn

    1. ooooh yes - i imagine your barn makes for some fairly dramatic views too, situated as it is on the side of a mountain haha

  9. It actually looks pretty cool! I like how some of them seem like they are actually in frames.

    1. i like that a lot too. kinda wish i could get better about composing the pictures so the frames didn't look so crooked tho haha

  10. Oh shoot. I meant to take one of these for you. Maybe I'll remember tonight.

  11. Awww I love this post and those pictures! I love those little details in life that we sometimes don't stop to enjoy - this is one of them.

    1. i agree completely - it's definitely all of these small little pieces that add up to why we love spending time at the barn and with our horses. so many of these shots just remind me of taking a deep and refreshing breath of air

  12. Those are neat shots, and some lovely vistas. I'll have to take some at my barn to add to the collection.

    1. yess!! i'm definitely eager to see how different geographic regions lend themselves to different shots, esp since mine are basically all of the same mid-atlantic area except for Megan's barn

  13. I like those vistas too. I like to take photos like this as well. :) So it's obviously not only normal, but desirable.

    1. ha good to know! i mean, what's not to like about a pretty picture?

  14. Our barn vista is ugly. The front of the barn dumps right into the parking lot, at the back of which the manure pit is located. So gravel and horse shit. Lovely. :P

    1. ya know, some ppl are into that kinda thing, ok? lolz

  15. I like these :) I'll try to get a shot from my place today!

  16. Definitely going to have to take a couple shots like this, out of one door you get to see the paddock full of minis!

  17. I loooove these types of shots! I'll send you one from the barn in the winter when everything is green and pretty instead of brown and waiting to be set on fire.

  18. I think that's a cool obsession! I like when there is a horse/rider silhouette in the vista also :)

  19. nothing out of my barn doors is that interesting... you see a horse trailer from one and a eurosizer out of the other. these shots are pretty cool though!

  20. I love barn door pictures too! And arena door pictures. At least in part because they make a little picture frame around the subject(s).

  21. I need to do this but I feel like my back pastures are ugly

  22. Do you follow Stable Style on IG? They post the best pictures like this


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