
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

#$@&%*! flies!!!!

Charlie is your typical thin-skinned TB. While he doesn't appear to blow up or pull apart at the seams just by brushing up against any random shrub (yet haha), he DOES display extreme sensitivity to a certain lightness in pressure on his legs and flanks.

This fortunately does not include the aerosol spray (for heavy hitting fly repellent), but does include regular fly spray, water drips while getting hosed off. And, of course, actual flies.

Guys. Charlies HATES those #$@&%*! flies.

Behold his admirable multitasking abilities of biting and kicking at those dastardly flying menaces while simultaneously never breaking stride from his jog. Truly, his expressions are a thing of beauty!

"wtfffff ugh flies noooo leave me alone!!!!" - Charlie

"ughhhh I will destroy you with my impressive high kicking!!!!"

"srsly tho, diiiieee"

"this is total bull shit. I do *not* get paid enough for this!!"

Poor poor Charlie. It's a very tough life he leads!


  1. Die flies die! I use deo lotion fly spray and really like it. :)

    1. ooh interesting. ya know i hadn't even considered something that could be applied in a non-spray formula... food for thought!

    2. Hill got another boarder and me hooked on this. I dilute and spray but my friend sprays a towel and rubs it on. Love it.

    3. ha i can't believe i never thought of that... even tho i've totally done it before. but definitely thanks for the product tip too!

  2. He is going to need all the fly clothes!

  3. Buddy, Griffin is right there with you hating flies. Can.Not.Stand. Y'all can start a club.

    1. yaaasssss complete with giant horse sized t shirts!!

  4. HE HAS ERMINE SPOTS! I repeat, he has ermine spots! Drool. Archie does, too. I'm sure they're common enough. But still. <3

  5. B has actual meltdowns over flies unless I drench him in half a bottle of fly spray. I get it but also like, really?

    1. ha right? i legitimately believe extreme irritation by fly bite is part of what pulled Charlie out of his little colic last week - basically as soon as i got him outside to walk it out, he forgot almost immediately about his tummy ache bc OMG THE FLIES ARE BITING THIS IS AWFUL OH GOD WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE

  6. hahaha flies are seriously the worst right now! Their last hurrah before the first frost!

    1. for real tho! it's like they're super desperate to bite as many horses as possible before the cold hits!

  7. yeah runkle loses his goddamn mind over flies. i'm always yelling at him bc hes flailing around and there are LITERALLY NO FLIES near him. he is RIDICULOUS.

    smartpak bugoff is our friend -_-

  8. Poor guy! Flies are awful. Thankfully Gem doesn't seem to mind much of anything. Its her QH blood showing through. Will Charlie be getting clothes for christmas?

    1. ha oh god i hope not! i kinda hate having to get them all dressed up, esp given how hot it gets here!

  9. Ugh - Crimson is in the same boat as Charlie - Cannot STAND flies. As bad as Charlie. But also cannot deal with fly spray. Totally awesome.

  10. Justin has similar thoughts about flies!

  11. I feel Charlie's pain, I mean I really hate the flies too :)

  12. Poor Charlie! Hopefully a cold snap kills those suckets ASAP. Flies are the worst! But the pics are kinda cracking me up haha

    1. haha i kinda adore his goofy expressions and apparent dexterity lol

  13. This one is Simon's kindred spirit. Maybe he needs to live in a fly sheet 24/7 :)

  14. Poor guy! Maybe try experimenting with that stuff that smart pak has...bug off (or something like that), it has garlic and helps keep the flies away. I debate getting it every year for Apollo after he has his initial reaction to the bugs (which is huge and ugly). Maybe this year :)

  15. Omg I have the cutest video of Merlot stomping at flies while trotting. Poor boys lol

  16. Poor poor pony. Flies are clearly out to get him!


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