
Thursday, September 15, 2016

city kitties!!!

Naturally, after wrecking myself stupidly off Lion after what was otherwise a pretty baller lesson (giant corners ftw!), I had to skip off to NYC for a two day work trip. Bc nothing quite suits a sore, slow moving, crutch-assisted walker like the kind, spacious and friendly sidewalks of Manhattan.

Except, wait. That's exactly wrong haha. I was WAY too slow for those New Yorkers haha. Luckily I was mostly off the crutches by Monday, and some strategic (and TIGHT) ace bandages gave my sore muscle the support it needed to more or less do its job, albeit a little slowly.

Manhattan isn't my favorite city - it's slightly too crowded and pushy, and I suspect I'd be unhappy in day-to-day life there. But for a short visit it's definitely fun, esp if you're inclined towards walking all over creation. I wasn't able to take much advantage, but work meetings had us moving around enough that I still got to see and experience enough to enjoy myself. 

Especially when we arrived early to one meeting and got to stroll around Central Park for a little bit, taking in the pleasant weather and local fauna. 

Like this adorable City Kitty!! Lolz... Apparently it's more than just the human citizens who like to get out and about!

Ok so in all seriousness, these 'city kitties' aren't truly adorable - more like harborers of disease and pestilence. But as someone with an affinity for nearly all furry fluffy critters, I have an appreciation for (domesticated) rats. 

I interned at the local zoo in middle school, where part of the job was processing the weekly shipment of feeder mice and rats. The rat pups (so called bc they legitimately look like teeny tiny puppies) were so cute, I always felt bad feeding them to the various birds and snakes and lizards etc.

So one day they let me take one home to keep as a pet! And I gotta say, they actually make fairly nice pets. More friendly than the typical gerbil/hamster/guinea pig!

Anyway tho, I've been to Central Park a couple times - but each time only briefly and in slightly different corners. Its such a massive park considering the location, and it's so easy to feel like you're light years away from such an urban hot spot (aside from the ambient noise lol).

And bc I can't help myself, I snapped all sorts of low quality, poorly composed pics for the blog. Bc if it can't be horses, it might as well be something! (Like city kitties!!!!) Or like this archway vista. Definitely wouldn't mind having a barn door that looked like this arch too. Feels very grand. 

Lest you wonder why you're seeing random pics of NYC on what's otherwise a dedicated horse blog, here's proof that I had my eye out for anything even remotely horsey haha. This is how devoted I am to bringing quality horse-related content to readers here at 'Fraidy Cat Eventing. Not only am I shooting pictures of manure, but also editing them. You're welcome!

Anyway I think all the walking did me good. The muscle is definitely still sore - esp when it comes to lifting the leg from the hip. All the joints work fine tho and the muscle seemed to loosen up with the movement (so long as I didn't over do it), so that each day we were there I could move a little faster and more comfortably than before.

Which is a good thing bc while this particular week is fairly quiet on the horse front, I've got some STUFF planned for this weekend. 

It's still unclear how much riding will actually be involved, but there will DEFINITELY be horses. Hopefully lots of them. Esp if everything goes according to plan and I can make it up to Plantation's big event this weekend - ideally I'll be there on Sunday for xc. Anyone else thinking about going?

I'm always so inspired by upper level events, watching the pros get it done so easily and beautifully. And these days I need all the inspiration I can get haha. It's not totally clear how my riding routine is going to shake out in coming months, but one thing is for certain: if I'm having trouble jumping something as nice and well schooled as Lion, it's time to get my nose back to the grindstone haha. 

We'll see tho. There are still a couple more work trips ahead of me. Tho I doubt any will be quite like this NY trip. Idk if it was bc we were there just after 9/11, but damn the security everywhere is tight. Like, look how ridiculous this ID tag is for getting into a museum for a 1 hour mtg? Does this maybe count for the most meta selfie ever?!?

October is shaping up to be a particularly busy month too, with 4 potential trips. It's hard bc I want to make plans and I want to add things to the calendar and whatnot. 

But in a way I'm grateful bc even if everything works out exactly the way I want, it'll be important to go slow and not rush and not suddenly pile on all the pressure again. (esp if I'm still a little gimpy lol)

In an ideal world, tho, I'll have something to ride whenever I want. And that something isn't likely to be Isabel. Much as I love that sassy mare, I have had zero inclination to ride her for anything more than the very occasional trail ride.

I'm hoping something will work out at the new h/j barn just bc it's so close to home for me, and so easy to get to even after a long day at work. 

Anyway we'll see what the weekend brings horse-wise. And definitely lmk if any of you are going to be around Plantation on Sunday too!


  1. I have always enjoyed Manhattan. Its fun to explore.

  2. Not the type of kitties I wanted to see. I'd love to try to do a weekend road trip, but kitten gets spayed tomorrow and she'll need me home to love her and snuggle her and feed her tiny kitten treats because poor kitten.

    1. Aw poor kitten !! That sounds like no fun at :( but why on earth wouldn't you want to see city kitties?!?

  3. Nope nope nope. I'll stick with farm kitties.

    I hope all your horsey things work out for you.

  4. LOL!!! But don't most farms have their own "kitties" too?!? ;P

    1. Not that big! Plus ours tend to stay out of sight.

    2. haha very true. tho one farm i was at, they always turned up in the water buckets... ew!

  5. Never been to NYC, but its on my list for a ONE TIME visit. I HATE people

    1. Haha then you might love NYC - it's seemingly filled with ppl who hate ppl ;)

  6. hahahah the rats in nyc are horrifying. WHY ARE THEY SO BIG. THEYRE REALLY BIG.

    that being said i have been contemplating getting a pet rat. im just worried my cats will eat him. as they have been wont to eat rogue mice that show up in my place.

    my horsey nyc story: i was out with friends while i was living up there and it was probably 3/4am. we were walking to the subway and i was like guys i smell horses. and they were all "meg u cray we're in the middle of nyc" and two blocks later there was a police horse trailer with two popo ponies in it.

    smelled it from two blocks away. yep.

    1. haha somehow that doesn't surprise me! i can actually imagine you running around the streets following your nose trying to find those damn horses (among all the other, ahem, *odors* of nyc lol).

      but also yea you should totally get a pet rat! i really enjoyed the one i had, she was super friendly and smart and groomed herself like a cat. and our two cats at the time never bothered her (plus most rats will put up a good fight anyway), but we definitely took care with setting her up with a safe enclosure etc.

  7. I never knew you had a pet rat!! I wanted one SO BADLY as a kid but my city-girl mom said no. :( Manhattan is fun for like.. a day.. and then I have an urgent need to get back to the country!!

    1. haha yea i like the shorter trips. unless i'm there visiting someone's home instead of a hotel, as that helps give it a more insider homey feel with ppl who know where to go and what to do

  8. I've always wanted to go to NYC. I think I'd last a long weekend before my head exploded. Rats make excellent pets. They just don't live very long and I hate saying goodbye to my furry friends.

    1. here i was thinking they actually had somewhat reasonable life spans but that mine just died young bc she was bred to be food... but perhaps that wasn't the case after all. it was definitely very sad when she got sick :(

  9. Here I was pumped to see actual cat photos. Then you went and horrified me with your rodents. Never have I been so glad to live in AB, where we don't have rats!

    1. lolz so my nefarious tricksy plan has succeeded! muahaha ;)

  10. That city kitty was really stepping under with his/her hind end in the one pic :)

  11. I had some pet rats in high school, they were actually really intelligent and fun! And much cleaner than I expected. Fun photos, I'm a little jealous of all your work travelling!

    1. definitely way cleaner than expected, but still slightly smelly lol

  12. I had four pet rats in college before I became terribly allergic. One was naked, which was far cuter than you'd imagine. I am very excited to hear about new pony plans, and hope that all pans out!

    1. ugh bummer about developing an allergy! and yea i'm hopeful about plans too. we shall see.

  13. Replies
    1. lolz i am right there with ya. am struggling so hard putting details together tho. why aren't ppl available to my every beck and call, whenever wherever however i need them?

  14. I don't think I could ever live in NYC, but it sure looks like a fun visit!

  15. I won't be there, but if you make it to Plantation, cheer for my friend Macy and her big grey TB. They are doing their first 2*!

    I hope you get things sorted out soon. I love your blog! Good luck!

    1. thanks Heidi! and i will definitely keep an eye out for your friend - hope she has a great 2* debut!

  16. Glad you're healing up with the help of Ace bandages! I am also excited to hear about new plans. As for me, I'm taking a spin on the New Lesson Pony at Lesson Barn today (point-n-shoot jumper to 3'6", does 2nd level dressage -- MUCH fancy) and doing a hunter pace (on my own critter) this Sunday down at HCIB.

    1. oooh have fun with the school master and at the hunter pace!

  17. I look forward to hearing your plans! As for me, I believe we are xcountry schooling Saturday and my shower is Sunday, so it's going to be a busy one.

  18. I used to have pet rats. They're great pets. City rats, not so much. I miss living near NYC. It's a great city to visit. I'd never want to live there, but I do love the museums.

  19. So fun to have a lovely trip with lots of walking. I hope something works out at the new barn too!

  20. Looks like a fun trip, totally jealous that your job involves travel!

  21. I love my pet dumbo rats <3 Jealous of all the traveling you do for work


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