
Friday, June 24, 2016

sad mare diaries: nope, not dreaming

In Isabel's latest entry in the sad mare diaries, she writes woefully about that time she fell asleep after I brought her in for a pre-ride dinner and brushing.

Poor exhausted, over-worked creature that she is, the post-meal nap attack was more than she could bear. And obviously I'm never one to pass up any sort of photo op and started snapping pics and vids of her adorable little twitches and snores haha. 

Before realizing that, actually, she was standing almost kinda ok-ish from a conformation type perspective. Sure her front and hind toes aren't pointing in exactly the same direction... And I kinda had limitations (bc of walls and such) on getting the best angles...  But hey. First confo-esque type shot since this February post in which I whine at great length on Isabel's body condition. I'll take it! 

But I guess all my picture taking disrupted Princess from her slumber, and she awoke to discover her feed tub very conveniently located directly under her nose. Primed and ready for polishing off any forgotten morsels from dinner! 

And of course she was very intrigued and excited to awake to all the activity going on out in the aisle-way. 

With all her neighbors and such coming in for their own dinners. 

"OH. You're still here. Damn, thought that was just a bad dream..." Most Disappointed Mare Ever

"Well shit."

"Do we have to?"

"Ok, ok - now hear me out. I have an idea!"

"I know you put the dressage tack on me, which probably means, like, work and stuff.... BUT. But like, what if we didn't?!?"

"....You don't look very convinced. Fuck."

"You'll pay for this indignity. And for waking me up from my sleep. And. Ya know. Just for existing in general." Most Disgruntled Mare Ever


  1. Sad mare diaries are pretty much the best thing ever! I think she is looking better from Feb and more like she did last fall.

    1. hmm that's a little worrisome bc she looked freakin terrible in october, but better in the winter after she had been out of work for a little while (bc my injury) and got a food increase...

    2. I think I got my dates mixed up. I wrote that early... I was trying to say that she looks better. Just ignore me :)

    3. ok phew! her weight seems to oscillate so wildly that even as a muzzle her after she blew up on spring grass, i'm still paranoid about her getting so thin again...

    4. She looks good! I really shouldn't comment before caffeine intake has occurred.

    5. lolz i know that feeling!

  2. Poor mare. I hope that my mare doesn't find this blog.....

  3. The NERVE!! You should really be ashamed of yourself for what you put that creature through.

  4. I need this read to me on a video in Isabel's voice, please.

    1. haha i agree. haven't gotten her to agree to follow a script yet tho - and I sure as shit don't want to publish what she has to say off the cuff!

  5. Izzy has the best mare glare ever, lol

    1. i'm pretty sure she practices it in the mirror when nobody's looking

  6. Sad mare diaries is becoming my favorite blogging topic to read. Like seriously.

  7. She's looking really nice! Less like a mare in gestation:) I love her faces trying to convince you of an alternate plan!

    1. ha yup no isabel babies here!! she's also not too too skinny either - which had been our issue right up until the spring grass struck...

  8. This was the best way to start my morning, seriously. You asked the Princess to work? Even after Breakfast? The nerve.

    1. haha you and she are clearly on the same page!

  9. I have never seen my guy asleep before! Hehe poor Izzy living a tough life

    1. wow really? i catch isabel napping all the time!

  10. LOL did she fall asleep in her bucket?

    1. ha no - she finished up the food, got brushed for a little while, then fell asleep. then immediately went to check back in on the food bucket just in case food happened again while she slept lol

  11. OMG - Izzy's twin is at the Cranbury Sale Stable / Auction! Check her out - Hip #115. Her face marking is eerily similar!!!

    1. wow... yea, i mean. if i had to guess.. i would bet money that they are related. all the admiral babies have the blaze that goes all the way down to the lip, and socks. and they all pretty much look exactly the same. even the enzio babies too... hopefully someone pics her up!!

    2. You should buy her! You would have your very own Izzy! Let's do a collective blogger pool and buy her - everyone can have her for one month :)

      She's only $610 :O

    3. ha wouldn't that be fun! hopefully tho someone else will snatch her up - i shouldn't hog all the isabels in the world! if you think it would help her chances tho, maybe comment on that post that she looks like an Ann McKay horse (Admiral or Enzio maybe). i would do so myself except for not having an FB account....

  12. Under the dictionary for Mare Glare is that last picture. :P

    1. lol so true. i bet isabel actually has a couple entries in the dictionary ;)

  13. How dare you inconvenience her in such a way! I'm sure Violet would commiserate with her greatly.

  14. She is seriously so awkward looking and so friggen cute. I just love her - her and her mare ears <3


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