
Monday, March 21, 2016

scenes from a wet weekend

Happy Monday everyone. Is it just me, or do you sometimes feel like the weekend was more work than the work week itself? Idk... mine seem to always fly by in a busy blur... with the added bonus of lots of flyaway horse hair lately haha. Oh, and with flurries of snow this weekend too. Wtf, weather - noo!!!

kinda tried to be artsy with the oddly pellet-like snow flakes. kinda failed. meh, whatevs
Luckily the snow didn't actually impede any of our plans, tho it made for a VERY wet and cold jump lesson at OF. Esp bc our 14 yr old cohorts insisted we brave it out in the elements rather than in the dusty tiny indoor.

They were obviously correct to do so - we're not exactly made of sugar and won't melt in the rain. Plus we're supposed to be, like, eventers or something like that. lol. Definitely regretted forgetting my gloves tho...
as gangster as one can possibly be while sitting on horses lol
Generally, tho, it was a fun and productive weekend. We crossed a few long-standing items off the to-do list - like getting Brita behind the wheel of my truck to haul the horses out for a lesson. Nothing's really been holding us back from making this happen, and yet it just kept getting pushed back and pushed back. But finally - she's taken her first round trip and the ponies lived to tell the tale. Exciting!!

checkin the mirrors like she's toooootally not freaked out to be hauling for the first time :D
Especially exciting bc if I'm away for whatever reason, Brita can be more or less self-sufficient about getting to her lessons. Or, ya know, if my dipshit self falls out of the trailer and breaks my leg again, maybe she can drive the rig home haha.

sneak peek. not a saddlery i know much about, so naturally i'm doing LOTS of googling haha
Ooooooooh and there's definitely a whole post coming about the saddle fitting appointment we had this weekend. This was the one we've all (or maybe it's just me?!?) been waiting for: Saddle fitter J used her recent tracings of Isabel to gather a selection of jump saddles for us to try.

and played hide-n-seek with the chatty cat in the rafters
She found a whoooooole bunch that I really liked personally (including one that was like a cloud for my butt, no joke). Just one of this wide assortment looked like a match for Isabel. But ohhhh boy did it look like a match. So, with cautious optimism, I'm saying that we mayyyyybe found our unicorn, and I have it with me for a 10 day trial. Details to come!!!!

there she is!!
Otherwise, tho, ya know. It was a weekend. And it snowed and rained and was cold. But we did things. Lessons and such. I shopped a little bit too. Nothing super duper exciting, but maybe fun all the same.

i <3 her white whiskers
Might actually have a small DIY project coming up too. Probably it will come out looking a little janky... but what else is new, right?

isn't she just super cute?
So yea. More to come, per usual. Did you have a very busy weekend? Or more quiet? Or are you like me, wishing there was at least one more day?!? lol


  1. Kent and Masters saddles are fab! Very, very well respected brand around where I live. Hope it all works out for you!

  2. Weekends are always too short -- either that or the list of stuff to do is way too long. I do tend to overplan.

  3. I'm in the UK ad have a Kent & Masters GP saddle which I LOVE! The one I have has adjustable gullets, and also 5 different options for girthing points. I love love love my saddle. It's very comfy too. Did I mention that I LOVE my saddle? Fingers crossed for you!

    1. that's great to hear!! everything i've found so far seems really positive. and yes this particular saddle is equally adjustable - which appeals to me since i dont' actually own this horse lol

  4. I'm with you on the weekends are exhausting. My alarm went off for an hour before I woke up...
    Fingers crossed for the saddle!!!

    1. ugh oops.... we need an extra day to recover!!!

  5. UNICORN, can't wait to hear all about the saddle! Love the cute barn kitty, crazy cat ladies unite!

    1. lolz the worst part is that is only a FRACTION of the photos i took of that goofy little kitty.... haha

  6. I LOVE Kent and Masters! They are supposed to fit flat backed ponies pretty well. Keep me updated on that, I've always wanted one!

    1. i'll definitely have much more to come on the saddle when i can put all my media together etc. we have quite a few riders saddle shopping in our barn right now, and this particular saddle maker (also maker of thorowgood and fairfax, i believe) seems to create relatively universal saddles... it's kinda crazy haha - we all want one!

  7. I just had twelve days off on vacation and yet, I need a vacation to recover from said vacation. Fingers crossed for the saddle!

    1. ha i definitely relate to that - i need a weekend to recover from my weekend!!

  8. Replies
    1. oooooh it's coming!!!! #needsbetterpicturestho

  9. Snow on the first day of spring is absolute nonsense, but at least the rain held off for us on Saturday so that I could get a ride in. Then came the drive back to school yesterday. I'm starting to think that the groundhog lied this year.

    1. ha sneaky groundhog! or maybe the weather just wanted to take a moment to remind us to be grateful for what we're getting?

    2. haha maybe the groundhog that I almost ran over made it get colder??

  10. I hate when the weekend ends! It never seems long enough. Can't wait to hear about the saddle.

    1. the saddle is exciting!!! needs moar rides (and better pictures haha, if we're really being honest) but i'm hopeful!

  11. The weather was SO gross on Sunday but I'm excited that you may have found a saddle!

    1. omg so gross - tho actually our saturday was way worse than our sunday!

  12. oooh, excited to hear about saddle adventures!

  13. Yay for unicorn saddles!

  14. Go Brita go! Excited to hear all about the saddle! And yeah, I totally feel like I need another weekend to recover after a weekend sometimes lol

    1. omg can we plzzzzzz just have another weekend?!?

  15. I had a quiet weekend for once :) Fingers crossed the unicorn saddle is magical and fits you both perfectly!

    1. i like quiet weekends too... it's all a balance, right? and here's hoping for magical saddles!

  16. I wish my whole life was one giant weekend.... :)

  17. I love weekends. I get to teach, to hang out in the rain, to spend my entire days at the barn...


    that's my life.

    hahaha I'm a lucky person

  18. I love that cat!! Between the horse, two high energy mutts, another active sport (hiking, skiing, snow shoeing, biking...take your pick), and our house I literally always need an extra weekend day. Or a house wife. Oh, both would be awesome.

    1. ha i could use a house wife too - aint nobody got time to do all those domestic chores when there's so much other fun stuff to do!

  19. There is never enough days on the weekends! I feel like I need a day off afterwards. I'm excited to hear your saddle fit appt news :)

    1. oh man, i'm excited to further test out the saddle too!!!

  20. Ooo a pretty brown unicorn has graced us with its presence! And I played ponies this weekend with awesome friends and ate food.

    1. yay for playing ponies and eating food with friends. some of my favorite activities right there lol

  21. Ohhhhh saddle!!!

    It's been raining cats and dogs here... im ready for a nice 78 and sunny lol

  22. The elusive unicorn saddle! I have a three day weekend and am not looking forward to school being over so I have to work full time again :(

    1. ugh yea there are definitely days i wish i still followed a university schedule!! but then... that homework tho, no thanks!

  23. Squeee the elusive unicorn saddle, my awesome new saddle fitter works with K&M and really rates them. Haven't had any experience with them myself but great to read what others have said above ☺

    Ps:I want that kitty ♡♡♡


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