
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

feeling thankful (with video)

'Tis the season for expressing gratitude about all the good stuff we have going for us. Sure, it would be easy enough to feel bitter about getting sidelined and missing out on some planned activities (and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't leaned in that direction every now and then...).

grateful for a photogenic mare
But really, this year has been HUGE for me in many ways, particularly as they relate to what Isabel and I have been able to accomplish.

grateful for the quiet moments between rides
 It feels like I'm constantly going on and on and ON about what a special horse Isabel is, but, well, it's true. She's pretty awesome. And I'm so very grateful for her, and all the circumstances that have allowed for our various successes this year - both small and large.

grateful that she is just so darn sweet
So like last year, I put together a little compilation video of some of my favorite moments from this past year - from our very first show of the season (equitation in an indoor!) to finishing strong at Loch Moy last month (regardless of what the final score was).

I hope you enjoy it!

And for those of you celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow - hope you have a great time and get lots of good food to eat :D

Also - stay tuned for the flip side to this video shortly, bc we can't just bask in glory when there are giggles and bloopers and other fun moments to enjoy too, right?


  1. Love the video! Awesome job this year, even if it came to an abrupt end (which sucks). Iz always looks like she is having fun.

    1. thanks! iz really is always having fun - she is just such a blast always :)

  2. The video is awesome! So many stellar moments :)

    1. omg so many!!! it's really been a great year. of course next comes the bloopers - that should be just as fun (if not more so lol)

  3. This year has been so wonderful for you two! So much to be thankful for :)

  4. Isabel is such a cool mare! What an exciting year it's been :)

  5. Love it. She's a neat mare for sure!

    1. i'm pretty sure everyone should have an isabel haha

  6. Replies
    1. lolz i might have a problem - i just can't get enough video haha

  7. I've loved watching your progression with Isabel. I love the show recaps and all of your lessons! You guys are an inspiration! :)

    1. aw thank you! we've certainly worked hard but it's really been fun every step of the way

  8. Love the video!!! I have kids around all the time but really don't feel as if I get enough video of myself hahahaha

    Especially with HOW MANY shows we did this year.

    Not as many as you and Iz, but still.

    Weird. Goals for next year I suppose.

    1. seriously - yes to more video! tho kids are admittedly highly unreliable videographers (and even the footage they *do* get is occasionally of dubious quality...). but yes you need MOAR!! :D

  9. You're super inspiring! Love Ms Isabel too, congrats again on a great year!

  10. Love the video! I had forgotten about a few of these shows. It's so fun to be able to look back on the year like this. I don't think I have enough video for something as awesome as this, but I DO have a video somewhere of our second ride ever that I never posted because it was so embarrassing.

    1. haha there's no such thing as 'too embarrassing' as far as i'm concerned - hopefully you'll be able to use that video for some EPIC progression pics lol. and really, i'm such a junkie i keep EVERYTHING - like all the videos (originals and edited versions and and and... all of it lol). i probably should have been an archivist or something

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  12. Y'all really have had an awesome year!

  13. Love this! What a great year.

  14. I know I sound like a broken record - but you guys look amazing together!! Again, love the compilation of awesome rides!! Here's to more once you're all healed up!

    1. thanks! glad you liked the compilation, and i'm definitely looking forward to having more awesome rides soon!!!


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