
Sunday, October 25, 2015

poof: season's over folks!

Today's post isn't really what I expected to be writing. It was supposed to be about show day today at Olde Hope - for their Oktoberfest HT, rescheduled from earlier this month.

LOTS to like about this course
They post the courses online in advance and I just love it. Lots of familiar stuff here - like that whole bottom right corner, fences 12 through 17, was on course last month. The Holly Hill Garden fence was that biggie that had me so worried.

Also lots of new stuff too, tho, and a longer course all together. Some familiar fences were re-purposed too - particularly fence 8, the Water Coop. Last month we came over the coop in the opposite direction, heading toward a drop into water. We barely made it over the coop last time, and this current set up looks even more challenging for our particular tastes. Canter through water, up a bank, 3-4 steps to a full size coop. Tricky tricky!

Plus there are a couple areas that look like potentially exciting combinations - like fences 6 & 7 - the ramp to a ditch. All in all, looking over the map made me feel like we were gonna get our money's worth on this novice course.

not looking good...
But. No. Won't be riding. Not today, and not for a little while. Because I'm a fucking idiot and broke my fibula taking a bad step down out of my trailer yesterday. Ugh.

what, like you've never seen a curious cat before? he obviously wants in on the ice pack.
The pain isn't too bad, really. Tho initially it was a tad searing. I kinda knew immediately that... probably would be scratching today. And from Loch Moy in two weeks. This might sound insane, but the crushing disappointment has me feeling lower right now than any actual pain from the leg.


cute pony travels! (and you can see the offending trailer step behind him. i fell moments after snapping this pic. good boy didn't flinch at all when I landed more or less underneath him)
So idk. Gotta see a specialist to get the full story, but will probably be out of commission for 4-6 weeks.

In the meantime I have a couple more things to update about (like how Bali came to a lesson at OF and was sooo good!!!), and will still be going to Olde Hope today for moral support for B and Wick in their official BN debut. Bc obviously walking xc courses on crutches is totally normal. Ugh.


  1. I feel your crushing disappointment. So sorry about your injury.

  2. Worst timing ever! Why can't these things happen when we want to go into hibernation over winter?? I hope you heal up quickly.

  3. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that you're injured. Hope you heal quickly!

  4. Woah! Did you just miss the step?? That has me paranoid. A lot of my friends have step stools into their trailers and I never got it but I've already tripped into and out of my trailer and it hasn't even been anywhere yet!

    Thoughts for speedy recovery!

  5. Oh no! I am so, so sorry to hear that! ugh.

  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry Emma! Wishing you the speediest recovery possible!

  7. Aww, hope it heals fast and painlessly!

  8. This sucks. I'm so sorry. I've fractured my leg twice and recovered really quickly. I hope you do too!

  9. Oh no! So sorry about your injury! Although, I confess, after reading the title, I was expecting the injury to be to Izzy, so... win?

  10. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that :( Wishing you good vibes and a speedy recovery. <3

  11. Ouch! That sucks! Feel better...

  12. Oh nooo, I'm so sorry :( what an abrupt ending to a great season. Hope you recover quickly and as painlessly as possible and are back to riding in no time!

  13. Oh no! I hope you recovery quickly!

  14. Ughhhhhh that is the WORST!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  15. I'm so sorry! Prayers for an uneventful recovery!

  16. Oh boo! :( That really sucks. At least the pain isn't bad. I hope it heals quickly!

  17. Oh no!!! That's awful. I hope that you have a speedy recovery. Don't get to down about your show season.

  18. omg girl! Is there a cool story at least? There is never a cool story when you really need one to happen, amirite? So sorry for the bad luck, best wishes for a super speedy recovery!

  19. I totally empathize with that low feeling of being benched :( Whatever I can do in the meantime please let me know...and I still expect to see you at the barn! Your insights are ALWAYS helpful.

  20. I totally empathize with that low feeling of being benched :( Whatever I can do in the meantime please let me know...and I still expect to see you at the barn! Your insights are ALWAYS helpful.

  21. Sending healing vibes! As much as it sucks right now there might be something good coming from this? Sometimes it takes months to realize what that good part is but I hope you find it! Heal quickly!!!!

  22. That totally sucks. The timing sucks, but it could definitely have been worse (aka, beginning of the season). Wishing you speedy healing.

  23. Really sorry to hear about the accident. I hope you heal quickly. And congrats on 3 years with Isabel!

  24. Omg!
    I'm glad that although you broke something, it wasn't the result of some crazy pony shenanigans. Take the time to heal <3

  25. Oh no!!! So sorry to hear that! Hope you get good news soon and heal quickly!!

  26. Noooo!!! I'm so sorry and I hope you heal quick! How frustrating! I guess at least it's the end of the season and not the beginning or middle? Still super annoying though, of course! Geez that must have been a doozie of a step :/

  27. Seriously?! What rotten luck!
    My husband always tells me, 'be careful, your not 18 anymore!'.
    I brush him off but is this a sign that we are actually getting older?

    Feel better soon! And don't tease yourself with many horsey-you tube videos like I did when I was out of riding commission.

  28. So sorry to see! Hope it feels better and you are back to yourself soon!

  29. Get better soon, please keep everyone posted!

  30. Yikes! OMG I am so sorry! D: I was gonna leave a post here about you just need to get in a 2point time by next week to continue to qualify for a prize but I see you are out of commission :(

    Healing waves your way

  31. No! Ugh. Fall really is the season of injuries. Feel better soon!

  32. Oh gadz! Misteps! Iz will be telling stories about you in the pasture.

    So sorry the season was cut short. You guys were sound smashing! Bali too. But no worries, you're a rock star and will be back on in no time. Just in time for snow rides.

  33. Oh gadz! Misteps! Iz will be telling stories about you in the pasture.

    So sorry the season was cut short. You guys were sound smashing! Bali too. But no worries, you're a rock star and will be back on in no time. Just in time for snow rides.

  34. Sweet jeebus woman! That's quite the break. It takes skill to manage such a feat from a relatively small step. So gold medal for that skill? Eh? Riding would be way better. Ack. :-\

  35. NOOOOOOO. Oh, I'm so sorry. That just sucks on all levels. :(

  36. I saw the breeches and seriously hoped you hadn't had a fall! I'll take a silly misstep over your butt coming unglued any day!

    Here's to a speedy (drugged!) recovery!

  37. Oh no! I thought you were going to say the event was cancelled. This is WAY worse. So sorry!

  38. Well that gives new meaning to the Live Theater saying..."Break a leg" before a performance as a GOOD LUCK OMEN....I bet you don't feel lucky.
    Come see us again on horseback when you XC school here for your ill fortune missing Oktoberfest. Hope you feel better SOON.

    1. omg thank you - that is so generous! definitely saw a LOT of fun stuff there this weekend that i was itching to try, and will absolutely take you up on that offer! might be a couple months....but in the words of arnold, 'i'll be back!'

  39. Well that gives new meaning to the Live Theater saying..."Break a leg" before a performance as a GOOD LUCK OMEN....I bet you don't feel lucky.
    Come see us again on horseback when you XC school here for your ill fortune missing Oktoberfest. Hope you feel better SOON.

  40. Ah, what a bummer! Crutches are terrible creations and more work than they're worth. Hope you're back in the saddle soon!

  41. Oh my gosh, Emma!! Here's hoping for a super speedy recovery!
    If anybody who hasn't read your blog asks - you should definitely amp up the story from 'bad step out of trailer' hehe :)

  42. So, I feel like such an ass. I was just catching up on blogs and saw that you broke your leg. I'm so sorry and hopes that it gets better soon!

  43. your poor leg!! poor you!!! at least you had a terrific season before well.... poof. sorry i am just now catching up on this... haven't been online much. i hope you're feeling better!!

  44. I'm so sorry this happened Emma :( I wish you a speedy recovery!! Soon enough you'll be back on Izzy and tearing up the xc courses!

  45. Just read this from a year in the future, and DANG what a bummer. Lovely diagram of the course though!


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