
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

q3 review + q4 goals

Posting this a day early bc... well, if it hasn't been done by this point it's not going to happen today lol.

As a quick refresher, last January I switched from setting monthly goals to using a quarterly schedule. The idea was to include more scope in my goals, but still be realistic about time frames and potential outcomes. You can find all of this year's goal posts in the sidebar.

2015 Q3 Review:

  • Monthly confo shots  Posts here. Kinda sorta missed August (and probably still owe a late September post)... but I kinda sorta think it'll be ok haha. 
  • Research MCTA points system  Researched, and I've been diligently tracking points (tho I have no clue how they compare to anyone else). According to trainer P, *everyone* gets a prize tho, so woot woot!
  • Audit a clinic Yeppers - so much fun! Extra special bonus that this included spending time with Austen & Alli

pictured: swag
aka: MCTA's Sunpebble Point Memorial Trophy, accidentally awarded to me at Jenny Camp lol
  • Improve lateral work - Workin on it. Doing more shoulder in and turns on the forehand. Honestly the practice is as much for me as it is for her (I kinda suck at it lol). 
  • School water and ditches on xc  This happened (here and here) and I'm happy with our progress. #needsmoretho
  • Improve canter transitions BOOM. 7.5 and an 8 on left lead depart!!!! But for the real story, see the full analysis here. This also still needs work. 
  • Improve halts (no more drifting left!) Progress?
  • Steady the connection - Ongoing...
  • Point toes forward over fences (not out) - Ehhhhh no real change. 
  • Mix jumpers and dressage shows into the agenda  Did a jumper show! And a paper chase!! And played polo!! Totally counts as mixing it up, right? 
  • Recognized event?  Deemed not a priority this year
  • Finish on dressage score at an event  YESSSS!!
  • Dressage score <35  Another yes (twice)!
she knocked those competition goals outta the park!
  • Lesson with Sally Cousins - Had an opportunity but it wasn't the right time...
  • Lead changes? - Ehhhh. We did ONE? But no real concerted effort... Have played with counter canter tho, and we actually worked specifically on *landing* the lead in a lesson last night (details forthcoming), which seems preferable to both trainers. Maybe that's where our focus should lie? 
  • Finish in top 5 at an event (for divisions with 10+ riders, top 3 otherwise) - YUP
  • Push our boundaries a little bit (higher heights, tougher tests) - YUP YUP YUP

2015 Quarter 4 Goals:

  • Start thinking more seriously about crack pot / pipe dream / highly unrealistic winter plans
  • Additionally, start thinking more seriously about crack pot / pipe dream / unrealistic plans for next year 
  • Clinics! Audit allll the clinics!
  • Consider what work needs to be done before winter doldrums set in
  • Get Bali going in the lesson program again (sooner rather than later!)
i plan to have a lot of fun with this goal
  • Dressage boot camp: lateral work, transitions (all of them, up down, within the gait, whatever), next first level type shit? 
  • Moar dressage lessons plz!
  • At least one more xc schooling?
  • Contingency plans for evening lessons as darkness sets in
  • All the fall trail riding
  • Fox hunting? 
  • End competition season on positive note, regardless of if that means staying at BN or shooting for an actual honest-to-god legit N 
  • Dressage < 32
  • Clear stadium (putting this here even tho it makes me uncomfortable lol)
  • Clear xc. We can doooooo it! 
we got this!


  1. I love seeing what other people have as their goals. As a side note, I love lateral work. Not sure why, but probably because I am slightly nuts. :)

    1. i actually love the idea of lateral work and can totally see getting really sucked into the feeling of when it goes right. but... i seriously lack coordination and we usually end up fighting when i try for it. it's a work in progress!

  2. Nice job and well deserved congrats, it's so neat to see all the work and time spent come together!!

  3. You rocked Q3! :) I'm sure Q4 will be equally awesome.

    1. fingers crossed! i anticipate seeing things quiet down substantially, but really that's ok :)

  4. You are knocking it out of the park this year!

    1. it's crazy - the horse is just making it so easy, she just rises to whatever occasion i put in front of her

  5. Can't wait to see what the 'pipe dream' goals are! ;)

    1. haha me too!! there's a couple different ways things could go... all with very different outcomes. we'll see what sticks!

  6. You're accomplishing so much! Yahoo!

  7. What great accomplishments! I love readying about peoples goals. Keep up the good work!

    1. i like reading about different goals too - always interesting to see where everybody focuses their efforts!

  8. You guys have come so far this year! So excited to hear about your winter plans and what's in store for next year.

    1. it's kinda crazy how this year has panned out. i'm pretty happy about it tho!

  9. You are kicking all of the ass. Look at you go! Love it!

  10. In short, you two are badass. You've got this in the bag :)

    1. haha i give all the credit to isabel. we'll see what happens next :)

  11. I just want you to know I live vicariously through you now... now that if I ride at all it's to putter around lol

    1. aw haha - well i hope to keep things exciting for you while you're busy doing other fun things like starting a family :)

  12. Dude, you KILLED it this quarter. best of luck through the final round!

    1. thanks! we've been having a real blast and hope to continue to do so :D


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