
Monday, September 7, 2015

happy labor day!

Hope all of you in the US are enjoying a long weekend! For those of you outside the states - hope you're having a nice Monday! If all is going according to plan, I ought to be out hiking and hitting up a vineyard on my day off. Woot woot!!

In the meantime, I'm going to leave you with a brief teaser of some fun stuff we did this weekend.

izzy wants to know wtf i'm doing swinging things at her face

omg tail braids. makes us official, right?!?

it was a regular party!

look ma, hand eye coordination isn't a total fail!

Omg so much fun!!!! Also, SUPER hard haha. Details (and more footage!) to follow soon :)


  1. Polo is so much fun! Izzy was such a good sport too it looks like!

  2. Replies
    1. i love it too!!! (tho frankly isabel hated it lol)

  3. Blown away by your eye hand coordination and not knocking your horse out!

    1. haha well i did cherry pick the best footage for that gif... once i finally get it all edited you will see that i did, in fact, conk isabel once or twice. she was NOT amused lol. oops

  4. POLO!!!! I tried it once. So fun, but so hard. The lessons here in CA were 3x what I pay for a jumping lesson. Hmmm. . . That made it an easy decision. Maybe someday when I win the lottery. (I don't play it!) Have sooooo much fun. Very cool.

  5. POLO!!!! I tried it once. So fun, but so hard. The lessons here in CA were 3x what I pay for a jumping lesson. Hmmm. . . That made it an easy decision. Maybe someday when I win the lottery. (I don't play it!) Have sooooo much fun. Very cool.

    1. crazy that it was so expensive!! not sure how much this person would charge for a regular lesson schedule, but for this fun clinic it was just about the same cost as a regular lesson.

  6. I haven't played polo since HS!

  7. Replies
    1. me toooo!!! lol... but it'll have to wait another day or two bc my helmet camera and video editing software are still currently in different physical locations, ugh...

  8. Love the tail :) Polo is totally on my bucket list!

  9. We get labour day up here too! Yay for long weekends! Looks like you had fun. I've never tried polo.

    1. yay for long weekends!!! and you should totally try polo - it was SO different!

  10. Is it polocrosse? My siblings tried it and had a blast!! :)

    1. just plain old polo - but yes we had an absolute blast!! will try to get a write up out by thursday lol

  11. Polo?! Omg, you do everything! I can't wait to hear about it!

    1. lol this was the perfect random and impulsive opportunity. write up to come soon :D


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