
Monday, September 21, 2015

good mail day (and baby ponies!)

It was a really nice weekend - good weather, lots of saddle time, and awesome stuff in the mail!! I've been on a self-imposed spending freeze for a couple months now, with no real end in sight (except, ya know, for a freaking SADDLE ugh). But winning KateRose's recent contest (for estimating the cost of a vet bill for her herd) meant I still got something new!!

took this pic in bad lighting - they're a really pretty navy
She sent me a pair of navy boot socks with pink palm trees and I just think they are super cute. I know for most people socks are kinda... not something to get excited about. I always thought I was the one weirdo who LOVES socks. But I think it's just a thing in the equestrian community - we know the value of a good pair (esp when they let us get a little funky with our attire when maybe the outer layer has to be more conservative). And these are just plain fun. Thanks so much Kate!!!

i kinda love yellow ribbons
The other awesome surprise in the mail? The ribbons from our recent paper chase! Tranquility mailed them to all the teams, I guess - which I didn't actually expect. So now I get the pleasure of distributing them to the rest of the team - yay go team!!!

omg babies!!!! baby SHETLANDS!!!!!!
Another highlight was seeing the BABY SHETLANDS at OF!!!!! They were all born around May, I think, and we've seen them a few times from afar. But on Saturday they were right up next to the lesson barn shed and we got to take a good close look.

'wat r this?' - isabel
Isabel and Wick both focused quite intensely on the little babies - but weren't spooky or aggressive or anything, just watching verrrrry closely haha.

so itchy and cuddly!
Meanwhile the babies were just bopping around getting loved on by small children. It bordered on being sickeningly syrupy sweet lol. The saccharine was strong here.

omg squeeeeee!!!
But who doesn't love babies?!?

'i remain unconvinced that this is normal' - isabel
Well, Isabel might not actually love them haha.

seriously, this horse is too stinkin cute
Another 'cute' aspect of the weekend was a lot more saddle time with Mr Balimurphy. This horse is neat - and he is steadily improving. I'm really enjoying riding him and hope to keep it up even once he's doing lessons again.

More to come on him later tho! In the meantime, hope everyone also had a good weekend and feels ready for Monday :)


  1. I'm with you, stock are awesome! I went to private hs and was only allowed to wear white socks. Ever since then I only buy fun socks! !

    And emg! Babies!

    1. 1) sorry for double response. I dunno why my phone does that on blogger.

      2) stock=socks*

    2. haha i totally got that - socks really are awesome!! and yes i did the private school thing for a while too and while i appreciated the mindlessness of a uniform, i definitely got sick of the monotony! (also i'm pretty sure blogger does the 'double post' thing to everyone at some point or another. ugh technology lol)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    My horses lived at a place that bred minis; I couldn't get enough of teeny tiny baby mini horses. Moe was completely terrified of them, though lololol

    1. haha i always think it's so funny when big horses are scared of little horses!

  4. aaaaaahhhhhh baby poniiieeeess!!!!

  5. LOVE socks! Those ones look really nice. I don't think that I've tried that brand yet.

    1. i'm really excited about them - they feel super nice!

  6. omg SQUEEEE!!! I love the baby shetlands!!!! They're so bitty!!! those darling little faces, with tiny little muzzles! I wish I was tiny enough to ride them, I'd have nothing but little bitty ponies.

    1. omg yessssss!! OF has a lot of teeny tiny riders who *do* ride the shetlands - and race them actually - and i pretty much die whenever i see it. they are tooooo stinkin cute!

  7. I love new boot socks! Totally a great prize.

    1. an excellent prize - so excited about them haha

  8. Socks AND baby ponies?!?! Yes, that is basically a perfect weekend!

  9. Replies
    1. there were a ton of adorable patterns too!!!

  10. Baby shetlands!!! They are so cute!

  11. Ha ha ha! Isabel looks like she isn't so sure about those shetlands.

    1. noooo hahaha she was VERY unsure about them. i can't even imagine what she would think of Spud lol

  12. Yay for sockies!!! And cute baby ponies :D


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