
Saturday, August 8, 2015

VCBH: show me your cubicle

L Williams is back in action with another magical blog hop, this time asking for a pictorial tour of your office or cubicle.

Yep I can do that! I work in non-profit fundraising doing all kinds of awesome analytical projects (data mining and predictive modeling etc) that nobody ever uses or understands. It's, uh, an uphill battle lol. But math can be its own reward, right? ...Right?!?

i'm clearly on a panorama kick. and yes that's 2 coffee mugs bc i go hard.
Anyway, my dept is quiet and somewhat lowly on the totem pole. We're just the analysts chugging through data and pushing out papers. Ya know the type. Every organization has weirdos like us. So we're mostly scattered around in various (admittedly nice) cubicles and dark offices.

also i may or may not spend more time gardening than working
But somehow I won the lottery when promoted to a senior position (which gets an office): this perimeter office has a large south-facing window overlooking a wooded area filled with deer and finches and blue jays and the occasional raptor (of the avian variety - no dinosaurs in baltimore to my knowledge!).

except for this cutie who keeps me company
The only problem? The office is noticeably narrower than the other perimeter offices to accommodate a noisy stairwell. So all the directors turned up their noses at it. Whatevs, it doesn't bother me and I moved in with glee.

my mom gave me these locally done pieces depicting typical Baltimore scenes. left side is row houses on 34th in Hampden (hon!) and right side is the Stieff Silver building
I've stuffed the place full to the gills - mostly with piles of papers (bc filing is for the birds) and notepads and books and folders and post-its... but also just kinda... stuff haha. And plants. Omg so many plants.

I'm not a gardener and don't really have plants in my apartment bc... cats... But somehow my collection in the office has grown beyond all reason. It's predominantly african violets tho bc they're low maintenance, have pleasant blossoms, and are stupid easy to propagate (which I do, prolifically - there's another leaf growing roots in the blue mug on the shelf pictured above).

my IT guy sent me this when we were troubleshooting how to upgrade my computer to handle the bigger file sizes and processing needs of my job. it's an excel joke lol... 
Also, it's maybe hard to tell from the first pano pic - but my computer situation is kinda intense. Dual monitors (so awesome!) - but also dual computers. Both monitors are connected to both computers, and the computers share one keyboard and one mouse. I toggle between the two with a KVM switch that I don't fully understand (pro tip: make friends with your IT people!).

One computer has WAY more processing power and memory, so that one handles all my heavy lifting, whereas the other one still connects to the same network drives so I can keep on working on other stuff if the rocket ship computer (yes I call it that) is busy processing.

plus bonus kittens. obviously. always kittens. 
So yea, I basically just fill the space with lots of pretty things and green things to give me something to gaze blankly at when the endless spreadsheets make my eyes bleed.


  1. How is someone working in development low on the totem pole?! I thought that was reserved for those of us doing front-line programming. :P

    I've never worked anywhere big enough to do data processing in service of development, though I have friends who do prospect research. Very cool!

    1. Haha well our development team is kinda large... Bigger than the typical organization w about 400 employees in development alone. The gift officers certainly aren't "lowly" but when you step back behind the curtain to central services it's a little different. I'm cool w it tho - I don't really have the chops for asking for the big bucks personally

  2. I'm a GIS tech in real life, so completely familiar with data modelling and analysis. My new office has us hooked up directly to our server via virtual terminals and it's wait times or storage issues. I think it's funny how many of us horse bloggers have similar jobs!

    1. It is funny - I would have never guessed that there would be this trend toward analytics within the equestrian community... But then again maybe it's just a function within the equestrian community that also blogs? Lol idk. But gis stuff is super interesting to me and I'm always trying to figure out how to better leverage gis data within out models.

  3. Cool space! I love the Dr. Evil excel joke haha

  4. Gotta love the excel jokes! ;) I would die for that office and that view!!!

    1. ...okay, maybe not die for it... but still...

    2. Totally jelly of your office. I work at a non profit too and my office is TINY. I'm also in awe of your kitten picture :)

    3. the view is definitely a major plus - esp given that we are technically right smack in the center of baltimore city.

      and glad you like the kitten pic too - it's one of my all time favorites.

  5. I am so full of love for your Baltimore paintings. :)

    1. thanks - i love them so much too. and when you come to baltimore you'll get to see the source material first hand :D

  6. Lovely office! How do you propagate African violets?

    1. i actually googled it (my answer for everything) - there's a bunch of videos and articles and forums etc. basically i trim a healthy medium sized leaf with a razor blade on an angle to maximize the cut surface area, then put it in water (generally in an opaque container to avoid algae) with maybe a drop of plant food. leave it like that, making sure the cut surface stays submerged (and the leaf itself is usually held up by paper, with the stem stuck through a hole), until it starts growing little roots. then stick it in dirt. takes a little while but so far i have a 100% success rate!

  7. Replies
    1. thanks! they definitely have quite a presence haha


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