
Sunday, July 19, 2015

schooling progress

After last week's lesson with Dan wherein we focused on the canter (per usual) and actually felt like there was progress there (less usual!), I wanted to see if the results could be replicated while schooling on my own. 

These days I rarely jump outside of lessons since we typically have two a week... but whatevs, we hadn't really jumped much with Dan so I figured it would be fine. And it was!

more helmet cam screen shots!! 
We warmed up by circling over the coop before moving on to two lines of jumps - the diagonal orange/yellow to natural oxer in 3, and the outside line in 2.

Wick would rather be jumping than watching haha
And it was really a pretty straight forward jump school. No big issues - tho we kept bulging through the right turn to the diagonal line, but the striding was easy enough that even if we were a little tight into the line it still worked out ok. 

i like that the helmet cam gets a broader field of vision than my phone, but the screen shots really don't compare... ugh trade offs!
Really tho it just seems like the more we work on our flat work (esp that canter), the easier the jumping gets. So for right now my big objective is to go through the same process I outlined in the Dan lesson recap for getting balanced transitions and gaits before moving into the jumps. And theoretically this process will take less and less time so that I'll be able to get it done in the brief moments before a stadium course.

you can still tell she looks happy tho!
Anyway it was really just a fun little ride with barn mates B and Kaitlyn, wherein we just bopped around the fences and called it a day when everything went smoothly.

Izzy likes 2 stride lines!
Or rather, almost everything went smoothly... there was an outside single that's just out of view of the camera that I whiffed a couple times in a row... but no photographic evidence means we can pretend it never happened lol ;P

she's also really digging this whole stretching out thing
Hopefully we'll be able to hang on to this good feeling moving into August, when we'll maybe have a jumpers and/or dressage show (fingers crossed!) and our next HT.


  1. How excellent! I find sometimes my students can do amazing work in the flat and the second I point them at a fence it all falls out their ears. But you and iz look like it's coming together beautifully!

    1. Thanks haha but I will admit that we still have the moments when everything falls out of my ears too ;)

  2. Look at you go! Nice work :)

    1. Lol blogger fail - I was gonna say it was definitely a good way to spend a ride w friends!

  3. Nice!! Bopping around with buddies sounds awesome, you guys have been putting in so much hard work!

  4. I love your screen shots and gif's, they make my day better lol

    1. lol thanks - and i'm glad to hear that! i certainly have fun pulling them all together :D

  5. Nice!! Love being able to capture the feeling in practice rides. =)

    1. you and me both - and actually that's pretty much my litmus test for whether a trainer's lessons are working for me: if i can't replicate at least part of the lesson at home on my own something is probably not right


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