
Saturday, June 13, 2015

bc it's been too long

And this blog needs to hit it's cat quota lest we risk eviction from the internet! 

OG has a built in homing device for any drawer left open
they love each other!
this cat's name is Findley but the barn rats call him Taco. go figure.
whoa, easy there with the side eye kitty!
'this seat is taken' - Findley Taco
i had just set this freshly cleaned saddle pad down moments prior, when no cats were anywhere in sight
she made herself right at home tho haha


  1. I love cats! Unfortunately my husband is super allergic so I have to wait until I own a farm to get barn cats :(

    1. aw that would be so depressing to me... but then again cat allergies are pretty much the worst so i get it....

  2. Yesssss! I just love cats. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs too, but cats. Taco is super cute. Yours are adorable too. Ha. Who am I kidding? They are all cute!

    1. cats man, there's just something about them lol. mine may or may not be a huge PITA, but who could resist?

  3. I love cats, and your two are awesome. My favorite is still the gif of your buff-colored one licking the glass table. Hilarious!

    That calico barn kitty is LOVING that saddle pad! She's even making biscuits on it!

    We have a super friendly barn cat at the new place too. Her name is Meesha and she is very demanding about the pets and the love! Lol

    1. haha yea poor martini... he's a very sweet cat (sorta, if biting can be considered sweet), but there's not a lot going on upstairs for him lol. Meesha sounds like a sweetie too. i've been to so many barns that only have feral or rough-n-tumble kitties that i will always accommodate a pushy and demanding barn cat lol

  4. Replies
    1. cats are perfect for times when very little else is

  5. Mine is addicted to freshly washed saddle pads too lol

  6. Your first cat looks a lot like one of mine! Super cute.

    1. funny you say that - i've thought the exact same thing before. i just LOVE those little gray tabbies

  7. fellow barn cat lover! yay! i have 4!

    1. nice! there are actually so many more at this barn, but the three i photograph the most often are the main ones... then there's the aloof skittish kitty who apparently lives in the parking lot, the BM's two orange toms, and then a feral or two who occasionally come by. so many cats omg

  8. You've got adorable barn cats! I love them.

  9. Being a farm with what used to be a rat plague, we now have kind of a cat plague. These so-called feral barn cats spend their days lying in the sun or rubbing up against humans' legs meowing, hoping that we will give them extra cat food or milk or whey or (first prize) curds. That's quite apart from the six house cats - kittens whose mom got sick and couldn't raise them, so we bottle-fed them for a few months until the humans could be weaned off it... reluctantly as despite the numerous daily feedings bottle-feeding cats never lost its charm...

    1. haha that sounds like a lot of cats! ours are shameless beggars too - but there are just enough boarders and parents coming through who take pity and indulge them that the habit sticks. so now i pretty much get mugged by the cats immediately upon arriving for morning feeding

  10. So cute! Love the cat pics - especially the one on your clean saddle pad! :) They must have a radar for those!

    1. i think they must too. there were seriously NO cats anywhere to be seen when i put all that stuff down. then BOOM. commence happy cat rolling on the clean pad lol

  11. One of my cats actually opens the drawer so she can lay in it.
    Both of them open cabimets so they can hide in them... The weirdos...

    1. yep that gray tabby gets into EVERYTHING - including the crawl space above my apt, gross. i actually have to store their kibble in the microwave since they haven't yet figured out how to open that... weirdos indeed lol

  12. too adorbs! i'm not allowed to play with the kitties or i might take them home with me.... :D

    1. haha seriously. we have quite a few barn mates and parents who are high on the list of who to check with if any of the creatures disappear :P

  13. Replies
    1. there can never be too many pics of cats on the internet lol

  14. Ah yes cat pictures are always necessary


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