
Saturday, May 16, 2015

considering the weather

There's really only one thing I care about for tomorrow's event: I want a completion. 

I mean, sure, there are more specific goals in mind that I'll write about later... but first and foremost I want to complete all three phases with a numeric score. 

That didn't happen at our last event bc mud is a real thing that exists and my mare is a princess. And I apparently don't pay enough attention to the ground we're currently covering. 

It's looking like we'll have our work cut out for us tomorrow if we want to avoid repeating history. The forecasts for today and Sunday both call for scattered thunderstorms and rain. 

Our ride times are in the early to mid afternoon - we're the last division on course. Meaning if the ground is wet or soggy it will already be a bit chewed up. And if it's anything like last year, we'll share quite a few fences with BN. Plus who knows how stadium will fare through the day.

Isabel is SUCH a good girl - but she can be a little distracted and sticky in sloppy footing. So I'll just have to be prepared to really help her out and support her - and STAY in the back seat in case of any unexpected stops haha.


  1. Fingers crossed for good weather! Have fun!

    1. thanks! it's kinda stormy right now - but not really raining so we'll see

  2. Hope we get some good pictures! Have a blast.

    1. i hope to have approximately 8 zillion photos before it's all said and done ;P

  3. Crossing my fingers for you for some better weather heading your way and a fun event :)

    1. thanks! the weather gods cooperated with us :)

  4. I hope that it all went fantastic and that you had a great time!

    1. thanks! we were successful on both counts :)


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