
Saturday, March 21, 2015

pub & paint - random

After our horse show last week, B and I went to a Pub & Paint event at a local bar. It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like - you go to a pub and you paint stuff. Not horsey in the slightest... but it was fun and I took pictures so... here it is haha.

...looks kinda like a mishmash of math class + kindergarten?

The painting subject is determined ahead of time, and for this event it was a 'blue crab.' 

can't forget the pub part: cocktails and french fries, a winning combination
(just don't rinse your brush in your drink or try to paint with ketchup!)

And it's essentially glorified 'paint by numbers.' The class leader walks you through each step - from mapping out where the various forms will go to which paint brush and color to use.

does anyone else see a fly bonnet pattern?

Oddly, the outlining bit seemed to take the longest, but I guess that's the most critical element for a finished product that at all resembles a crab...

The class leader told us exactly how to mix the paint, and then walked around to make sure we were on the right track. This made it nearly impossible to screw anything up, regardless of how much you had capitalized on the drink specials haha.  

Pretty soon, a crab-shaped object started materializing on the canvas. All this required was the ability to color inside our previously mapped out guide lines. 

Then add background and eyes, and voila! a crab is born! 

My silly little sea bug now hangs in the hallway outside my bathroom. He rules his domain with an iron claw, lol. Have you ever tried a similar type of event? Did you like it? 


  1. Cas's mom goes to painting classes like this, and sometimes Miss S tags along. Do enough of them, and you'll have a wall full of your own cool artwork.

    1. that's what i've heard!! some of the girls i was with had been to a few. they then give out the finished paintings as gifts lol

  2. I've been wanting to go to one of these because they look like so much fun! Though I'm an art major and I might drive the instructor batty by arriving at the same result my own way...hahaha Nice job! Love the color contrast with the red background.

    1. you should totally try it!! the instructor was very encouraging about trying your own thing - and quite a few folks definitely had their own 'interpretation' of the crab. but she was also there to help those who needed it haha (most of the crowd!)

  3. I have to say I'm pretty impressed--paint inside the lines or not! ;)

    1. thanks!! if i can do one thing, it's following directions lol. so this was perfect ;)

  4. Great crab--and a much more fun version of painting class!

    1. i thought so too! definitely much less pressure than trying to be individual and unique as an artist. tho that is definitely fun and rewarding in its own right, this was just a cool anddifferent way to pass a couple hours with friends

  5. That came out awesome! Nice work! I would have a hard time painting the same subject as everyone else though...I would have to paint a horse!

    1. thanks, i'm pleased with it!! you could have totally painted a horse - or maybe a 'sea' horse lol

  6. I totally thought it was going to be a lemon at the beginning of the post!

    1. lol i absolutely had my doubts about how it would turn out for about the 1st hour or so....

  7. I totally thought it was going to be a lemon at the beginning of the post!

  8. Ahh that's so cool!! I've never heard of anything like this but now I totally want to go.

    1. it seems like the company that runs these events is actually maryland based - but it's such a clever idea that perhaps similar events will sprout up elsewhere?

  9. Why can't I be old enough to have this fun?!

    1. soon young one - your day will come soon :P

  10. I've never heard of something like this - sounds fun! Your crab is awesome :)

    1. thank you! i'd heard of it but never tired. it was really fun tho!

  11. Looks like so much fun, and something I would love to try! Agree with some of the above though, might be hard to curb my impulsiveness and follow the directions exactly :)

    1. you should try it! the instructor had zero problems with people putting their own twists on it. once person went very dark with an almost black maroon-ish crab with amazing color and shading, and another made their crab red with a very pale pretty pink background. all good stuff!! (my own improv was a little simpler - just adding an open claw lol)

  12. Replies
    1. it definitely was - moreso than i expected!

  13. I did a pig flying over our local bridge! Except I only got cheap sangria and no fries. :(

    1. haha that actually sounds awesome!! as does the sangria... but i need my fries too lol

  14. Playing catch up reading but this sounds soooooooo cool & as someone who has absolutely no artistic talent - this is something I really want to try. I wonder if they have similar events here....

    1. it was definitely a lot of fun, and no pressure for the non artists among us haha. this particular company seems kinda regional, but i wouldn't be surprised if there are others like it!


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