
Sunday, February 1, 2015

sunday sayings

This is random but I've been meaning to snap pics of these forever to share here. I'm not usually one for the standard motivational-type posters, but there are a few things sprinkled around my apartment to remind me to keep things in perspective.

First up is this little post card from a friend that really REALLY resonates with me. Not sure why - it's a very simple statement... But for whatever reason every time I read this I just think, "YES. Let's." So this is tacked up next to my bathroom mirror. 

This little wooden placard is a little more, uh, self explanatory lol. It hangs on my door so I see it every time I leave the house. Always a good reminder, right?

And ok - this one isn't mine, I just spotted it at a neighborhood bar. But yea my barn definitely needs a couple of these posted all over the place haha. 

What about you - do you have anything like this around your house? Or office or car or wherever you spend a lot of time? 


  1. <3 I love your sayings, especially the first one. I have some of these on my iPad, but not real life tangible things.

  2. I love those sayings - nice!

    I think I should put stuff like that up in my house too, so I don't forget.

    At work I have pictures and whatnot of my pets, but I also have a giant whiteboard that never has anything on it so I put quotes on it. Right now it has "If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got" prior to that it had "be the kind of person your dog thinks you are".

  3. We have a small one hanging above our key hooks that says, "Just walk a day in my flip-flops." My mom sent it to me. It always makes us smile because it takes us back to where we come from, an island where you can wear flip-flops every day of the year. :)

    1. i think i might need to take a trip to that island soon haha - it's too cold to even wear flip flops around the house right now!

  4. I love having sayings posted around, always good for a smile!

    1. i agree completely - such a good way to easily life my mood :)

  5. Manure does happen! I have a mousepad that says that :P

  6. Replies
    1. i LOVE that one - and actually just googled it to find the artist's flickr account:

  7. I have a sign on my desk at work that says "When life gives you lemons reach for the tequila." Is that motivating? Hmm ..... kind of ....?

    1. lol yes. i consider that HIGHLY motivating :D


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