
Friday, January 30, 2015

special delivery: saddle style

My trial saddle is here - yay!! It arrived right on time and is even better in person than expected! 

Opening the box was a very exciting moment - somehow it seemed different than standing in a tack shop browsing over a whole wall covered in saddles.. lol

The leather is in excellent shape, and actually not what I would deem slick or slippery. It's very red, sure, but the color isn't as bad as I expected. It definitely needs a good conditioning tho - however that will have to wait until I decide whether or not to buy it. 

The rep wasn't kidding about the saddle being barely used. There are some marks on the seat and stirrup area, and the billets have had a girth attached... but it's all very minimal. I found the serial number tho and plan to call Stubben North America for a little more research. 

Naturally I took it out for a test ride right away - with my nephew doing the honors of the inaugural ride haha. 

Then it was off to the barn to try it out on Ms Isabel. It seems promising - tho I'll hopefully be able to get an appointment for the fitter to look at it during the trial period. 

It's interesting - the saddle actually seems pretty small given its measurements. The points fit well behind Isabel's shoulders (with no rocking!!), but the rear panels are still in front of the rubbed down hair from the Wintec. So perhaps the geometry of this saddle will suit Isabel better?

(she's standing 18 kinds of weird in this photo - but she's cute so i included it anyway lol)

There isn't really anywhere to ride at the farm and dusk was fast approaching, but I couldn't resist at least sitting in the thing. So I pulled Isabel out and walked/trotted back and forth on the short gravel path you can see behind her above. 

Right away I noticed that my stirrups were lonnnnng - even tho I started on the same hole I used with the Bates and the Wintec. A barn mate said it could be bc Stubben typically places the stirrup bars farther forward? Not really sure... 

My initial impression of sitting in the saddle is very positive. There was a moment when I felt slightly pitched forward - but it's hard to tell just walking back and forth and only really trotting in a straight line for 8 steps. The proof will be in the pudding lol. So I'll try to withhold judgement until after some actual full rides.

It's funny tho - I stowed the saddle in the tack room and got a kick out of my seemingly growing collection of saddles (none of which actually belong to me). That's Isabel's owner's Wintec on bottom, with the trial Bates in the middle and the Stubben on top. Should probably return that Bates soon tho... 


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it works

  2. Looks fun! Hope it works out for you. I'm sure you are ready for a good fit.

    1. thanks!! i'm DEFINITELY ready for a good fit haha - and izzy is too :)

  3. That saddle is giving me saddle envy. Did it say when you bought it what the colour is classed as? My friend has a bridle that colour and is getting a new saddle which she would like to be the same colour

    1. they call it 'havana' - but it definitely has a bit of a cherry-red vibe to it. based on some of my digging around, i think this is one of stubben's 'hallmark' colors, but i'm not totally sure

  4. Fingers crossed it's "the one"!

  5. It's always fun receiving a package! Especially when the perfect saddle could be inside :)

  6. Good luck! Saddle shopping has always been particularly stressful for me. Loving your positive attitude!

    1. thanks - yea it's way more stressful than i expected!! lol

  7. Ooh pretty! Getting tack is like Christmas morning all over again haha hope it works out!

  8. I like the color! Fingers crossed that it's a perfect fit :)

  9. Come on, be the magical one! It is always so nice to be done with saddle hunting! I really hope it is the one for you both!

    1. thanks me too!!!!! :) and even if it doesn't work.... well i'll just keep on shopping (tuff life, right?? haha)

  10. Hope it works out! I actually think the color is pretty!

    1. thanks! i really don't mind the color either - tho it certainly seems unusual

  11. Looks niiiice! Hope it works out!

    1. thanks!! i'm definitely happy with its condition - hopefully it can check off the 'fit' requirements too!

  12. Hope you love it! I am waiting for a new saddle--should be in any day. Got a CWD. I've only heard good things and it was super comfy sooo. . I'm hoping I made the right decision. My trainer has a Stubben and LOVES it. I like riding it in too but she's short and I'm not so it's not completely comfy for me.

    1. thanks!!! good luck with your CWD too - i've heard wonderful things about them as well :)

  13. Hopefully you get a chance to get a real ride in it and the fitter can come out soon!! Exciting but stressful!

    1. thanks! definitely more stressful than i expected haha - but also fun :)

  14. Weeeeeeee the excitement, I hope this is the one & love the colour on Izzy ♡

    1. thanks!! the color has definitely grown on me... but sadly the fit seems a bit off for isabel :(

  15. Ohh this one looks promising! Love the balance and fit over her withers. fingers crossed for you!

    1. thanks! my trainer actually liked the balance too - except it turned out to still be too wide up front and there's a lot of movement.... boo!

  16. Replies
    1. it's soooo close!!! so so so close - but still too wide, if you can believe it..... le sigh

  17. Ack -- read the comments that it's still a bit wide. Sad panda!

  18. Okay normally I only like black tack... but I really like the color of that saddle!! Sorry it's too wide. :(

    1. haha i like black tack too - tho i'm honestly not very picky... this particular color seems unconventional, sure - but i kinda liked it too!! but alas, the fit was not there :(


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