
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

TOABH: Shining Star

It's that time again, where we celebrate Archie's imminent birthday with a blog hop post on our own special ponykins. I'm feeling very much on the same wavelength as Beka in this series - as today's answer is also something I've written about previously. But here's the perfect opportunity to add a little depth. 

Shining Star
Let's talk about the biggest achievements your horse has accomplished.  I'm not talking about you as a rider - I want to know what your ponykins has done to make you proud.  Is there a glorious satin collection, did he/she figure out some dressage movement that took months to learn, or are is it just a great day when your butt stays in the saddle?  

I could go on and on and on about how amazing Princess Isabel is... but today I'm going to stick to one very specific thing. Namely - my blog title: 'Fraidy Cat Eventing. 

That's pretty straight forward, right? I'm, uh, not the bravest rider. Conservative is a word I'd like to use, except I know perfectly well that my *ahem* fear can actually be really counter productive and self defeating. 

But confidence is a funny thing, and it CAN be rebuilt. Just takes time and patience... 

Meanwhile - I'm 100% guaranteed to be scared shitless of roll tops. I HATE them. They freak me right the F out. Coops and boxes? Nbd. Never mind that roll tops are actually easier for horses than angular jumps, since they mimic the arc of a horse's jump. Never mind that at all. Roll tops are terrifying and I'd be happy to never see another one ever again. 

But this is supposed to be a post about Isabel, right? 

So: I am so so so proud of Isabel for taking care of me. Period. 

We've still only jumped roll tops a handful of times... and really the only time that was actually quite nice was when the roll top was backwards (and therefore looked like a gate - easy peasy! video here - fence at 1:30). 

In fact, when I saw that #6 fence on our first ever horse trial xc course walk, I nearly melted down and questioned every single decision that had led me to that point. 

For the most part, I've just pointed Isabel at these jumps and mentally checked out. Completely frozen, holding on for dear life. ESPECIALLY the first two-three times (again, there's only been a handful or so). 

But Isabel has taken it all in stride (or, as best she could given my death grip on the reins) and made it a drama free, and - dare I say - enjoyable experience. In fact, I can confidently say that Isabel has yet to meet a roll top she doesn't like. 

first time!!
2nd time - clinging to that mane like it's my job
roll top at our first horse trial!
(we are jumping it backwards in this more recent shot, but what the hell, i'm counting it anyway)

It's pretty clear in the first two pictures - especially that second time - that I am in 100% passenger mode. And not even a particularly helpful (or balanced!) passenger. But Isabel's ears are pricked and happy exactly the same as when we nailed the fence in the last photo. 

Good good good mare! This is why she is my shining star :) 


  1. lol I feel the same way about big wide flat tables. Death traps.

    1. Yea... Haven't face one yet but suspect they will be intimidating lol

  2. Now that's a partner. She's stepping up where you want to back away. Lots of trust there :)

    1. Thanks! It actually took me by surprise at first that she could be such a baby sitter. Makes me happy tho :)

  3. Ugh, that's how I feel about those stupid "produce stand"s that are really just STEPS OF DEATH. It definitely helps to have a horse you know will jut go over anyway!

    1. Yea I won't even let myself *look* at those fences when we are out schooling baby logs lol.... (I'm gonna be screwed if we ever move up a level haha). Knowing izzy likes it definitely helps tho!

  4. I feel the same way about barrels and unfortunately, so does Maggie lol. But good girl Isabel!!!

    1. Yea barrels are tricky too, esp bc they have a false ground line.... (And I generally dislike round jumps lol)

  5. I feel ya. Anything that isn't poles gets a strange look from me. God bless horses like Isabel that keep us safe.

  6. Good girl Isabel! I've been jumping my whole life and I agree with you there is nothing I like to do less than jump a roll top. I don't know why and the horses don't seem to care. If I can possibly avoid them I do. I know it's not rational but that's my deal.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too! And yea, these things are never rational and there is no logic for it... Just is what it is I guess lol

  7. I have that feeling about brush fences, I just do not like those suckers! I do however like reading about yours and Isabel's antics, this is my favourite blog to keep up with :) Merry Christmas!

    1. aw thanks!! i love your blog too - you're always off doing fun things :) and i've only ever jumped one brush-type fence, but it was more like piney branches laying on top of the fence, rather than adding much height. i imagine the real deal will be more worrisome!

  8. What a good mare! Any reason for the fear of roll tops, besides the obvious reason that they're from the devil? ;)

    1. haha it's so weird - the really isn't any reason (like a bad experience) behind the fear. it's just very persistent.

  9. Isabel is awesome!!!! With her help one day you're going to love jumping rolltops. :D

  10. Isabel is such a good girl! I don't blame you on the roll tops, they just look intimidating for some reason.

    1. she's pretty great :) and yea, idk what it is about them either... but it's *something* lol

  11. What I love most about horses is their ability to know when we need some support :) What a great girl she is!

    1. it's really uncanny sometimes - and i definitely appreciate it!

  12. She is such a good girl! You guys look fantastic going over those roll tops!

    1. thanks! i have to admit that it was kinda fun ;)

  13. Is able is such a legend, you guys make an awesome team ☺☺☺

    1. Thanks! I really never expected it bc we really didn't get along at first, but it's definitely worth the work!


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