
Monday, December 1, 2014

november review + december goals

Another month, another evaluation. November went well for us, considering it's probably the last month of full riding we'll get for the year. We made progress over fences (I wasn't paralyzed with fear jumping 2'6" - woo hoo!) and in our flat work. 

I feel like we're in a good place going into what's essentially the off-season. 

Review of November Goals:

1. No-stirrups November? More 2point? Anything to get that right leg uncurled? Some success in getting that leg down, but it wasn't related to practicing 2point or no-stirrups november (for which I've done zilch). The difference? Actually focusing on my lower leg and making it a priority while we jump. Since my brain isn't always functional while jumping, this topic will need constant revisiting. 

lower leg is a little more stable here

2. Aim for 5 lessons (there *are* five weekends, after all), 4 is ok. Yep, we did 5 lessons at OF, 1 with our bio-mechanics trainer and 1 with Dan. There was a lesson scheduled with C too, but it was cancelled due to poor footing.

3. Moar grids plz! We had fun with this in a lesson when Isabel maybe didn't feel like doing much. So grids allowed me to just line her up and leave her alone while I focused on me. Score! 

4. Improve lateral suppleness. For real. Another ongoing topic. Crossing it off tho because I think we made progress and have a clear path forward for schooling through the winter. 

5. Any last events before winter sets in?? Hunter trials Nov. 2? Hunter trial was a BLAST!!!

Looking Forward - December Goals:

- Snow pads for Isabel's shoes?

- Groundwork when riding is not possible. Specific goals: get Isabel to stand on a pedestal and practice long lining.

- 3 lessons. Holidays and winter weather may take a toll on our typical riding schedule. 

- Continue on concepts from bio-mechanics lesson (improve lateral balance!). This will essentially be our modified version of dressage bootcamp through the winter.


  1. Sounds like you had a very productive November! I feel you on the curtailed winter riding schedule- I'm holding off on starting lessons until February for that very reason ):

    1. thanks! and yea, the impending winter definitely has me feeling sad lol. and i expect february will be right smack in the middle of our no-riding-zone... boo!

  2. Yay for a super productive November! Groundwork is my friend this month too :)

    1. yay indeed! i'm definitely guilty of overlooking groundwork, but figure i'll need to do *something* to engage Izzy's mind when we can't ride...

  3. You did a great job!! Sounds like you are having lots of fun with Isabel. :) I hope the weather stays mild and doesn't affect your riding too much.

  4. Wow! You got tons crossed off! WTG

    1. thanks - i feel kinda silly bc none of them were really *reach* goals. but hey, the goals are just intended to keep the momentum going, so whatever helps works :)

  5. Replies
    1. thanks :) hoping the weather holds off for an equally fun december.... but not betting on it sadly

  6. Hooray to a successful November! You guys did a lot! Here's to another fun horse-filled December!

  7. Man oh man good job on knocking those goals off!

  8. Yay on crossing things off the goals list for Nov. Must dig out my goals and see if i can cross anything off & think up some Dec goals...although if not achieved i may just recycle some Nov ones ;-)

    1. thanks! and i'm all about recycling goals lol. tho honestly monthly goals seems like slight overkill - maybe quarterly is better?

  9. My December goal is to try to keep Dudley from getting FAT. which means getting out to ride whenever it's not too windy or slippery! Cold, I can handle :)
    - The Equestrian Vagabond


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