
Friday, November 21, 2014

decisions decisions ... (aka boo winter!)

So this week has kinda been a bust, riding wise. It's no big secret that the freezing temps have descended on most of the country in a big way. We haven't seen real snow yet (knock on wood), but the arena is frozen for the first time this season. 

Our arena's location prevents direct sunlight until the afternoon, and it's also blocked by trees to the west. Combined with poor drainage, the few hours of direct sunlight just aren't enough to counteract overnight lows in the 20s. 

Three days off (mon, tues, wed) isn't really a huge deal for the Princess right now. It's not ideal, but them's the breaks. 

love those ears <3

We expected the ring to thaw in time for a lesson with C last night... but that didn't happen. In fact, this particular freeze is likely to last through the weekend. 

Which means that riding tonight is also unlikely. So I have a dilemma. 

A barn mate and I planned to go to a fun Jumpers show tomorrow - $50 for three classes in the puddle jumpers 2' division: power & speed, power, and jump off. Sounds like a blast, right??

But given our week off (plus the fact that the gastrogard for treating Isabel's suspected ulcers *still* hasn't arrived....), I'm wondering if the money is better spent on our regular lesson - which is at the same time as the show. 

On the other hand, Isabel is fit enough and sane enough to go out there after a week off without too much issue (again, knocking on wood lol). We've never done a jumpers show before, and this one sounds like a perfect first outing... and it's always fun to show with friends (esp since I usually do my stuff alone). 

But I don't know, I guess I'm trying to assess value here... What would you do? 

the barn cats recommend a double dose of sunshine

Also - in the unlikely event that you don't already follow T Myers at A Filly's Best Friend - make sure to check the awesome contest, facebook silent auction, and other fundraising efforts she and her team are doing to fund their trip to the Midsouth Three Day Challenge

You can contribute directly on their Go Fund Me page HERE.

Best of luck to the Weenie Eventers Event Team!! 


  1. I would go to the show. Realistically, you're traveling either way, and spending money either way, so I don't think picking one place over another will greatly affect Isabel's health. Have one last fun show before the deep freeze of winter. Sigh!

    1. that's kinda what i'm thinking too - esp bc my barn mate *really* wants to go, but doesn't have transportation...

  2. Do you have a local tack shop you could get some ulcergard from? It's the same as gastrogard and would at least keep her from getting worse at the preventative dose (1/4 tube for her size) assuming it's ulcers. Then you could go show without worrying at all.

    That said, if you'd be traveling for a lesson anyways, I agree there isn't much difference so you might as well show.

    1. izzy's owner is pretty strict about keeping to her (and therefore the vet's) treatment plan, so i'm not really at liberty to do any additional dosing on my own... and i wondered if isabel would differentiate between traveling to a show and going to our normal weekly lesson, but maybe traveling is traveling, regardless of destination??

    2. I would think her owner would be happy with you taking that step while waiting for the meds (and you could probably call the vet and check with him today if you were concerned), especially since in reality it is the same exact med made by the same company. Only difference is that ulcergard is OTC because it's a preventative and therefore has a different dosage. Pretty funny really, especially when you see they charge you more for gastrogard! Both of them are cinnamon flavored gold paste I think! $$$
      Is she a nervous traveler that would notice the difference in location and react internally? I haven't ever trailered my horses anywhere regularly, so my horses go on ulcergard for all trips.
      In the end you know her best and should follow your gut.

    3. yea, i tend to agree with you... but i don't want to dwell on leasing v. owning, so suffice it to say there are limitations in my decision making abilities here.

      silver lining is izzy is *not* a nervous traveler, so that won't play much of a role in my decision on where to go. just trying to weigh out whether showing (with friends!!!) after a week off is worth it compared to doing our regular lesson

  3. I have no idea! I would totally be tempted to go to the show. Will that cause her anxiety that could make the ulcers worse? I guess you could go and see how she acts. If she's fine then ride, if she's not then let her relax at the trailer with some hay. Can you get your money back if you don't ride? Good luck!!

    1. i'm not sure if the show would cause more stress - that hasn't been the case in the past (she's a pro lol), but who knows - i guess it's always a possibility...

      in any case yes - we only pay for the classes we ride in, so if we go but then decide not to ride, it's nbd

  4. I'd go if this is your last opportunity to show for a while, but if you have plenty of other shows on the horizon maybe do the lesson instead.

    1. there's aren't confirmed shows that i'm aware of on the horizon, tho i keep hearing little rumors about monthly hunter-style shows...

      however, given that it's only november and we're already missing weeks at a time of riding due to weather, i'm thinking her fitness will start declining rapidly, and i won't be very game for last-minute showing at that point

  5. I'd just go to the show and have fun with my friends! If Izzy's ulcers are unhappy, you're taking a chance of not having a great lesson least with the show everyone should have a good time? :)

    1. the idea of going somewhere with friends is *soooo* tempting to me - esp since i've gone to almost all our off-property shows alone

  6. This may be an unpopular opinion, but why not give her a little break, until you get the ulcer situation figured out? There will be many more shows and lessons in your future and since you two are so good together, I bet you don't miss a beat. ;-) In either situation there is a chance of her ulcers flaring up and giving her a bad experience.

    1. i definitely appreciate this perspective too, and think isabel will benefit from time off. in fact, as sad as it makes me feel, i am anticipating about 3 months of being mostly off this winter, if it's anything like last year... so these are really our last few weekends to do any serious riding (sounds kinda selfish when i type it out like that tho, doesn't it?)

  7. I'm having a similar dilemma, and decided that more practice at home with trainer will equal a better show (under better conditions) next time. But I also have a winter full of shows ahead of me, so missing one isn't a big deal. If this is your last show for a long time, then maybe go have fun at the show instead!

    1. it's interesting bc that's sort of similar to the dressage curmudgeon's recent post too - 'how are lower level show experiences moving you forward vs. staying home and really training'... food for thought!

  8. I would go for the show. Lessons are much easier to come by than shows :)

    1. this is true - we never seem to lack for lessons lol... hmmm

  9. I agree on showing! Even if the show is a total bust it will be always be a learning experience and it's fun! Especially with a friend! I know the feeling of always doing stuff by yourself so any chance to do something with someone is always a nice change. :)

    1. i love learning AND fun lol :) and yea - doing stuff alone is cool... but having friends around makes it so much better - esp if stuff goes haywire!!

  10. Unpopular opinion alert! I'd keep her home. If she does have ulcers and they are flaring up from the travel I don't think it'd be fair to her to travel considering you know about the issue. It would suck to miss the show, but you could go watch and cheer your friend on! I may be overly cautious, but thats my take on it.
    Obviously if you do go -- get video and pics so we can all enjoy! :)

    1. thanks for adding your opinion here - and i definitely see your points! i'm responding a little late, so there's been some back and forth: deciding TO go after ulcer treatment was officially started, then my barn mate's horse turned up lame so we didn't go after all... but all the same, i appreciate your two cents too!

  11. Thanks for sharing!

    Can you go hacking, in fields or down the road? Thats what we do. Once it snows you will be able to ride also.

    I say pass on the show - nothing is worth putting them at risk when they are %100.

    1. i actually CAN go hacking... but in years past have avoided it during snow bc of snowballs in Isabel's shoes, plus uber muddy conditions. this year i plan to ask for snow pads so that will at least fix one set of problems ;)

    2. You can spray Pam cooking spray (or any other kind) on their hooves to prevent snow from balling up!

    3. are you kidding me!!?!!??? it makes so much sense.... and yet i never knew... and went 3 MONTHS without riding last year bc of this.... smh... thanks for the info!

    4. Awww I wish I had known so I could have told you then!!! We get snow once a year (if that) so I don't have to use it often but it works great. :D Those snow stilettos that the horses get look painful so I use it even if I'm not riding in it.


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