
Saturday, November 29, 2014

circus horse!!

So we finally got our first snowfall on Wednesday! Which, uh, was kinda inconvenient bc we were planning a long-expected trip up to PA to pick up my friend's new Akhal Teke, Zeus. And get this - Zeus used to be in the CIRCUS!

not sure when this pic was taken. source

My friend is in love with this breed and already has an unbacked baby, but wanted something that she could start riding now. So obviously we had to go get this awesome horse. Weather be damned. 

roads actually weren't too bad - and the snow was very pretty

The horse's current owner lives pretty far north of us, so we decided to meet halfway - which turned out to be about 45 minutes north of Harrisburg, PA. There was a fairground there that we thought would be convenient for the exchange, but it turned out to be closed. Oops. So we literally parked in some random neighborhood to do the swap. 

The folks out there shoveling their sidewalks must have been so confused lol. Two horse trailers and this exotic looking animal - perhaps they thought we were thieves or the equine black market? Not sure.. and don't care lol. 

Zeus was imported from Russia to perform with a circus troupe. A commercial for the performance, Cirque Avaia, is linked here on Youtube - and it's a little cheesy but still looks pretty neat. Not sure I saw this particular horse in the video, but there are some other good looking Akhal Tekes. 

However the circus eventually declared bankruptcy around 2007 and the troupe was disbanded. Apparently another one of the horses is currently for sale in Texas, if anyone is interested. 

My knowledge of what happened next is a little sketchy - but I think Zeus was donated to a lesson program where he stayed for two years before being purchased by his current owner. However, despite her love for him, he wasn't really her kind of ride, so she wanted to find him a forever home that didn't involve giving lessons.

Here's a Youtube video (compilation of photo stills) from 2010 wherein he works on dressage, stadium jumping and cross country. This is probably during his lesson horse years. My favorite thing about this video is that all of his riders appear to be grinning lol.

Anyway, he's all settled in at home now and appears to be quick buddies with my friend's other Akhal Teke Scooter :)

 not a very flattering pic of Scooter - but he's so wiggly!! that's Zeus in the background

Zeus loving on Scooter


  1. That's so cool! I bet that Zeus is about as bomb proof and safe as they get. I hope that your friend enjoys her new horse :)

    1. That's the hope!! He's a high energy guy, but very smart and very experienced. So we are thinking he is pretty sane :)

  2. Such a fun road trip & a fab horse with great back story. I hope your friend, Zeus & Scooter have a blast getting to know one another ☺

    1. Me too - I can't wait to see them in action!

  3. Replies
    1. Right? The pics obviously don't do him justice bc he's wet and dirty w a winter coat... But can't wait to see him all cleaned up!

  4. Sounds like Zeus has found a great forever home. I'm sure he and your friend and Scooter will all become the best of friends. Gorgeous horse. My daughter loves this breed too. They are awesome.

    1. I never knew anything about this breed until I moved to this farm. They are very cool!

  5. How exciting!!! Akhal Tekes are really cool horses. That so neat that he was a circus horse. I'm glad he's found his forever home with your friend. :D Congrats!

    1. i'm super excited too!! my friend is definitely so in love with him already :)

  6. That's super neat! He's stunning!

    1. he's gorgeous :) also - just clicked over to your blog... a fjord AND a donkey??? so cool!!

  7. Super cool story! And he's beautiful too :)

    1. it *is* a neat story - i'm looking forward to seeing where the partnership goes!

  8. Replies
    1. me too! i can't even begin to imagine some of the things this horse has seen

  9. Ooooh! I bet he cleans up super nice. I've always loved how the ATs have that metallic glow about them.

    1. yea i can't wait to see him all prettified! it's interesting, Scooter at first glance doesn't appear to have any special coloring. but when you look closer, you can find glimpses of it - like right behind his ears lol. it's definitely neat

  10. I worked at that circus, I cam tell you the photo was taken most likely during the 2006 or 07 season and the rider's name is German. :) I might even have some other photos of Zeus from back then.

    1. oh wow, that's so cool!! such a strange small interconnected world haha. if you dig up any other pictures or have any stories or anything feel free to shoot me an email at fraidycat.eventing at gmail ;)

    2. I have them on an old hard drive, I'll see what I have tomorrow.


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