
Friday, October 17, 2014

weather and other inconveniences

Ended up not riding at all this week due to combinations of rain, work obligations, or faulty arena lights. 
'it's cool - i'd rather go feral anywayz' - isabel

This last one is super annoying - drove through extra special traffic Tuesday night only to see the arena lights switch off right when I got out of my car. This doesn't seem like it should be a problem, except the lights are on the fritz and don't come back on if they were already on for a while. 

It's a blameless mistake though - the rider who was finishing up had no way of knowing I'd just arrived, nor did I know who was riding to send a text... It's just... frustrating. 

missing the sunshine pretty badly

I tried to make the best of it though. Enjoyed some relaxing, un-rushed grooming time with Isabel wherein she got to do some carrot candy cane stretches and simple ground work. 

It's apparently much harder than you'd think for her to back up straight and with her head down. She wants to brace and throw her haunches left (maybe why we can never get a straight halt in the dressage arena?). So we practiced a little bit - but just calm, no-pressure stuff. She was a little resistant at first, but then realized it wasn't a test or punishment and started trying to do what I asked. Good girl. 

Also played around a little bit with a new saddle pad - but more on that later.

Anyways, fingers crossed that the lights were fixed yesterday as planned and I can get a ride in tonight!!

Meanwhile, Isabel gets a chiropractor appointment early tomorrow morning - so probably will get the day off afterwards. Then a silly closed-farm schooling show at OF on Sunday that is purely a fun chance to dress up in show clothes and maybe snag some satin :)

Maybe NEXT week I'll actually get back to my regularly scheduled riding??


  1. I hate when things don't work out like you want them to... I am finding myself in this boat more and more...

    1. so frustrating! i think it's the changing season that's got me off my game... but that'll pass eventually

  2. I hate it when something happens like that and I can't ride after work--very frustrating!

    1. yea... it's bumming me out, esp bc the same thing with the lights happened last week WHILE i was actually riding. ugh

  3. While I hate it when the Arena lights are down, I do love that it gives me an excuse for a nice, long, pampering session for my horsey :) I'm sure the horses don't mind at all aha

    1. haha yea i think you may be right about that :)

  4. That sucks! Am interested to hear about chiropractic appt!

    1. i will certainly follow up on it - hopefully nothing particularly notable arises. i tend to get a little paranoid (to the point of being shrill) about isabel's hind end and back... but we shall see what the chiro says.

  5. Replies
    1. thanks! still haven't ridden in it, but am super excited about it. will have more to share later :)

  6. what a pretty outdoor ring! I hope the lights get fixed soon - fingers crossed!

    1. i've definitely got my fingers crossed that they'll be in working order tonight.... wish me luck :)

  7. I hear you on the rain - we've been rained out 5 days straight. I need to be tougher to ride here, apparently :(
    What a gorgeous arena you have! Good luck with the lights, hope they're fixed soon :)

    1. thanks! the rain really is a downer, isn't it? at least i can now say: yes the lights ARE fixed. phew. now if they could also just dry everything out please!!

  8. Replies
    1. truth. tho i highly suspect that your regular dose of traffic far exceeds my special case craptastic traffic... so i feel for ya!!


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