
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

october's 10 questions

Another month's 10 Questions, courtesy of L. Williams at Viva Carlos. This iteration definitely made me put on my thinking cap lol. 

1. How many pairs of breeches/jods do you own?

Seven. I just started growing my collection again after riding in jeans for years.

Lad clearly didn't care what I wore...

2. How many horses have you ridden?

I've never owned a horse, so my riding career has been spent primarily taking lessons. And I've ridden at many barns, so there's a lot of variety here. I got to 83 just on the ones I remember... (yea I made a spreadsheet lol, so what?)

But I'm forgetting more than a few (particularly from the starred farms where I rode for years), plus all those IHSA shows... (do they count? I think so). So let's peg this number at 100. Not too shabby.

3. How many trainers have you had?

At least 12. This includes my first trainer, two from LF in Rochester (not including the IHSA coach who I never lessoned with), the bio-mechanics trainer and D Clasing, two OF trainers (jump & dressage), three from ST, and two from a barn that wasn't a good fit. 

show time with A and Harry in Rochester

4. How many barns have you ridden at?

At least 7. One (CS) was a trail barn where I traded chores for free unsupervised rides. The rest are lesson barns with varying degrees of fanciness. I was a paid employee at 3 of these barns.

5. What is the name of the horse you consider yourself to have the greatest bond with?

Another toughie. Isabel and I have a pretty cool thing going. But there was another red mare in Rochester, Ellie Mae, who meant a lot to me and was the first horse I 'got going.' And Lad (also of Rochester), whom I simply trust without reservation... 

Smellie was a very good girl - so long as you just left her alone
(this photo, blurry and grainy tho it may be, has permanent residence on my fridge)

There are a few others. Snowy and Dancer, in particular, from the barn where I learned to ride... I think this variety comes with the territory of never owning something. 

Snowy was a sensitive appy mare - learned a lot from her

6. What is your favorite show name that you've encountered?

I don't know about this one... honestly never thought much about show names. There was a gray gelding at my first barn named Idiot's Delight bc my trainer had sworn off grays once and for all (too difficult to keep clean), but he was such a nice horse she couldn't resist. Not sure if it counts, but it always stuck with me. 

7. What do you consider your greatest weakness or flaw in riding?

My personal confidence and trust in the horse. So so so many of my mistakes stem from not being able to just let go. 

8. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

I am teachable. I want to learn, to improve, to be a better rider. Therefore I *listen* to instruction. (though this quality is usually reserved for paid trainers - unsolicited lessons aren't always met so openly lol)

9. Have you ever leased a horse?

Yeppers - Isabel :)

10. What is the name of the first horse you rode?

The first horse I rode was a paint pony led around by my non-horsey mother on a big trail property. No clue about it's name, but I remember that ride very well :)

My first lesson was on Bonnie, an infinitely patient buckskin whale. 


  1. That is definitely a great strength. Some people never stop learning, and some think they know it all. I'd rather be the former than the latter. No shame when it comes to knowledge!

    Also, I dig your spreadsheet.

    1. lol thanks! i figure the trainers are pros for a reason, right? so there's almost always something new to be learned!

      glad you like the spreadsheet too... i've already remembered others (plus the names to some that are just descriptions lol) - it was a nice little memory exercise :)

  2. Replies
    1. haha right? i'm trying sooo hard to remember her name... pretty sure it was something super innocent like 'bunny' ... yea right lol

  3. I love your spreadsheet.

  4. Hehehe buckskin whale!! I like your spreadsheet too! I should have done that.

    1. thanks - it was actually kinda fun to do. and the 'whale' descriptor was not my own - that's actually what the manager called her lol

  5. haha is "Steak" a name or description??

    1. LOL that is actually his name, if you can believe it

  6. Replies
    1. haha poor guy went by idiot in the barn too...

  7. Hahaha - Idiots Delight is the PERFECT name for a grey horse! That's so funny.
    Teachability is such a great strength to have, if you can learn, you can achieve great things!

    1. PS: it's even funnier that his barn name was 'idiot'

    2. haha thanks! and that's kinda my hope re: wanting to learn.... maybe one day it'll actually happen?? lol

  8. "Overthinking gelding" "bitey mare"

    I love it!

    1. haha at least i remember their personalities (if not their names..)! :)

  9. lol - I love that you've known two horses named Smelly and Idiot's Delight!

    1. haha right? at least smellie (or smellie mae) was just my own little pet name for ellie mae, rather than what she actually went by!


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