
Thursday, October 9, 2014

canter woes + 2pointober

This post is kinda all over the place bc... well, maybe I'm a bit all over the place. And no recent riding pics because it's been dark... boo. Instead, enjoy a random assortment of fotos, starting with Chesney eating Izzy's lead rope.

it's hard to avoid blur when playing tug of war with a vurry large animal

Last night's ride was a planned dressage school. I really appreciate everyone's feedback on yesterday's question re: running martingales. So thanks!!! I wanted to give it another go sans martingale just to really see where we were... and it wasn't good. 

Our right lead canter. It just... God, it just really really sucks. And I was wavering between seething: fortheloveofallthingsholyjustputyourheaddownforonesinglefuckingcircle.... 
and feeling like I ought to apologize to the mare for riding so poorly. Ughhhhhh. Not fun. 

It's particularly frustrating because our trot is really finally starting to come along (even if we didn't do a very good job of demonstrating that at the show). But I just need to remind myself: I started dressage in the spring. We are only now getting consistent trot work. Why on earth should I expect the canter to happen any faster??? 

this may not look like much, but it's still mega progress in my book

On the plus side tho: I did more 2point practice! Yay? I did two sets during the ride, and was able to see some improvement during the second set - up to almost 5 min!! This included some walk, trot, ground poles, and a tiny line of Xs set 2 strides apart. I figured, if the whole purpose of a solid position is to stay out of the way over fences, why not give it a shot? (I also wanted to see how well Isabel could get back to 'work' after a couple jumps. She did very well with this!)

Tuesday night was intended to be a simple bareback bop around the arena. Annnnd, it ended up being even simpler than intended. Some kids left the ring about 15 min after I started, and turned off the arena lights prematurely. Our lights are already on the fritz, and refused to come back on. So... even tho the moonlight was strong, and Isabel was being good, I called it a day with our 15 min bareback working walk. 

Interesting notes: I felt a little more stable than I expected to, and it was enlightening to feel all the various ways Isabel's rib cage and spine move around. I also played around with trying to use my thighs more, and found her to be quite responsive. On the other hand, it was glaringly obvious how much tension I'm holding in my own hips and seat. So I'd definitely like to get out bareback again soon, and maybe even trot? (tho we'll see if this happens or not)

'um, i actually prefer not to be sat on. k thx bai' -isabel


  1. That is a lot of improvement already on your two point time!

    1. haha thanks! i think my biggest problem with getting a better time is two-fold: 1-my balance is crap and i tip forward onto the neck, and 2- it's not the most fun exercise in the world and i get bored.

      i am determined tho to stabilize my lower leg and position and stop getting jumped out of the tack tho!!!

  2. I have got to try the bareback thing. Way to go on 2-point times!

    1. thanks! i've been meaning to do the bareback thing for a while... but always find a reason to toss on the saddle anyway lol

  3. I think I'm a glutton for punishment, hence team no martingale. But I think its great you have a plan. And woohoo @ progress. Twopoint on!

    1. haha thanks. i mean, the fault is clearly not all isabel's lol - even tho it makes me wanna scream... just gotta keep my eyes up and keep werkin it!! (or bust my butt in 2point when i get too frustrated!)

  4. You guys look great in that pic! Congrats on the two-point progress! If only those long summer days stuck around all year….

    1. thanks! i'm definitely so bummed about only getting 2 daylight rides a week...

  5. Inspired now to ride bareback today :) (And improve my two point time, oh my!)

    1. the recommendation to do so has come from a few people - including my dressage trainer - in response to some position issues i'm struggling with. it's just hard to actually get it done lol!

  6. I've never done the martingale thing, so I've got nothing for you. But, can I just say this "Our right lead canter. It just... God, it just really really sucks" is awesome. I actually lol'd. I think canter can be really natural for some horses, and really unnatural for others. My guy has only been consistently cantering for a year and a half, and still the transitions in and out of the canter suuuuuuuck. Canter enough and you two will find your balance (at least that's what I always say to myself). :)

    1. thanks!! it's kinda crazy - we have a really lovely, rhythmic canter for jumping - and it's ALWAYS right lead (there's video evidence galore on this blog too!). it's just when i try to do the dressage thang that things fall apart. which is why i'm pretty positive that it's my fault... i'm just not sure what i'm doing differently? perhaps it is a balance issue, like you say


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