
Saturday, October 27, 2018

flashback f-saturday

Sara started a blog hop a few days ago that.... really resonated with me. And a lot of bloggers too haha. It was a great question: "What have I learned?"

And my answer? Well. My totally unsatisfactory answer: EVERYTHING.

This community is inextricably tied in to my experience as a rider. Especially as an eventer. I could pick 5 for sure, but I could also pick 10 or 50. So I won't pick any - and will instead refer everyone to my blog list.

this is what dreams are made of.
Instead I thought I'd take this opportunity to do a flashback on Charlie. My process in bringing Charlie along has been in many ways informed by this community. So many ideas, so much experience.

first ever trotting pic. oh yea.
Like.... Who remembers Charlie's earliest jumping videos?? When we'd just kinda trot around, sorta kinda awkwardly hopping whatever crossed our paths?

an early jump video

It's honestly ludicrous to compare that early horse to today's Charlie, but I'm doing it anyway.

more recent jump video

This blogging community has taught me many, many things. Chief among them? Never stop trying. Transformations don't materialize out of thin air. They are the product of weeks, months, years of dedicated hard work. So.... We do that work. And it's so worth it.


  1. What a radical and beautiful change.

  2. I pretty much giggled at the entirety of Charlie's first jumping video. If that's not proof that hard work and persistence pays off, I don't know what is!

  3. Good point. I love the spirit in this community. The try and heart is outrageous

  4. oh i can totally see the change. He has really done a total turnaround and I know it was not easy. Now to get him up and going again. I notice with Charlie even his coat glistens now compared to when you first got him let alone having more groceries on him!! :) I like the comparisions. I wish I had photos from when I rode Remus the first year. You guys would NOT believe how bad he was compared to now. Hard work, good care, and lots of fun :) HA HA HA

  5. I love the Charlie flashback. Man you two have come a long way!!

  6. He is a completely different horse now and that is all due to your care, training and persistence.

  7. Oh my goodness - that first video he's just like "legs trot poles up legs uhm poles legs up?" and then you guys are flying around cool as cucumbers! How cool that you can see how much you've grown both in terms of working with Charlie and community :)

  8. oh my gosh he was so cute! Reminds me of Henry, and gives me hope!

  9. Oh Charlie! You've done such an amazing job with him Em!

  10. I love how far you have come with Charlie! He is such a cool horse & just keeps getting better! And I agree, I love the ideas & suggestions I've read or been given by the blogging community. Its a really incredible group of people!

  11. It's so cool how far he has come. Although, I still think his greatest transformation is from a tar-pit-dinosaur to an eventer that happily leaves the startbox and fancy prances in the sand box. ;-)

  12. My thoughts too....definitely bloggers teach you to never give up.

  13. Love this!! I need to do a Rio transformation post as well! I have found a wealth of information and support in the blogging community too :D

  14. Yes! I love this group. I'm always reading and learning and applying to my own rides.

  15. Yep, never stop trying and don't expect miracles- especially when you're an adult ammy!


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