
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fair Hill CCI2/3* Cross Country!!

I have so so so so much media I want to share with you all from watching the cross country at this weekend's Fair Hill International.

Olney Uncle Sam did us proud in the 2*!!!! <3
It honestly kind of blows my mind that we have such a major competition every year right in my back yard. More than that - right on the very same grounds that I've competed and even just trail ridden. It's pretty cool!

here's the 3* video
And every year that I get to spectate -- this was my 4th year in a row!!! -- it just makes it that much more surreal. And special. I feel like I know the place now, know the terrain. Know the fixtures.

trainer Dan killed it through the 3* coffin!!
We really are ridiculously spoiled in this area to be surrounded by such a high density of solid, proven professionals. And also a whole 'nother crop of up-and-coming riders who are still forging their way, making their name.

this corner would look unreal, if not for Buck just gettin it done
While I'd like to say that each year I learn more about each of the local pros and their programs, and more of the local horses moving their ways up the levels.... Well.... Realistically, I can't really claim too much there.

here's the 2* video
Honestly, more than anything else, going to this event every year just reaffirms for me how much I love this sport. At every level.

biiiiiig jump into the 2* coffin!
I love competing and riding in this sport, even at my own modest unrecognized low levels. And I really enjoy participating in this sport as a volunteer, helping facilitate positive experiences and outings for all other manner of competitors. And obviously it goes without saying that I love being there for my friends as their groom and cheerleader too.

the fair hill ducks are super famous
More than anything else, tho, I just love the atmosphere, the environment. Watching horses go galloping past in every direction. Knowing that around every corner is another amazing feat of equestrian athleticism just waiting to unfold.

It's not particularly likely that I'll ever be riding at this level, but damn is it fun to watch!! I have a LOT more media to share from the weekend, tho who knows when I'll have it all edited. For now I hope you enjoy this sampling!!


  1. I've been going to Fair Hill since the 90s! I remember watching Bruce Davidson and the O'Connors ride. Of course as a kid I had absolutely no idea who anyone was haha. It really hadn't gotten any less impressive over the years, either!

    1. i man i STILL love watching bruce and DOC ride haha! tho of course they tend to stick to "lower" levels these days... but yea, it's just so cool watching it all happen, and fair hill is such a special venue <3

  2. Seriously, it was a great day! I have SO MUCH MEDIA from 4 days at Fair Hill I don't know where to start. As a result, I haven't started. Lol. I could probably just post Fair Hill media for weeks (months?) and nothing else! Truly incredible though. And the ducks for the 2* caused SO MANY PROBLEMS...

    Uncle Sam did great! Cheered for him Sunday too!

    1. it was such a nice surprise seeing you there! glad you had so much fun volunteering and getting to see everything so up close and personal!! i loved doing the YEH stuff last year while charlie was laid up recovering from surgery, but expected this year to be different with needing to make time for riding my sound horse every day in addition to watching at least some of the event. but what is it they say about the best laid plans of mice and men?! lol whoops....

    2. It's a lot easier for me to volunteer too being 15 minutes away. But, definitely great seeing you! Next year, if you volunteer, you can guarantee that Charlie will be sound and ready to work!

    3. ha yea the distance isn't much of a problem for me, it's just balancing the time needed vs the time i'd want to spend riding (and i guess working, #details...). such a fun time tho!

  3. I still haven't gone through all of my media from cross country day at WEG. LOL You have my sympathies.

    It's SO cool to see that caliber of rider up close like that though. It's just the neatest experience.

    1. it's so cool tho, so so cool. like so many of these riders are based in this area so we get to see them at all the local competitions anyway, on their lower level horses or client or sales horses etc. but nothing quite compares to seeing them do the "big" stuff!

  4. Replies
    1. great seeing you too! glad we got to connect beyond just waving from a distance haha ;)

  5. So sad i missed it and looks like the weather was perfect. Glad you enjoyed it. Some of those jumps (Okay all of those jumps) make me want to puke ;) HA

    1. aw we missed you too!! it was PERFECT weather for it too, really just an absolutely gorgeous day all around. hopefully we'll see you up around these parts eventually tho!

  6. Your pictures of these events always get me excited to go see one, I really need to get around to that. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. just sayin, but you should totally come east for one of these shows ;) it's a good time!

  7. I would love to go and see an event at this level.

    1. oh man, you really should!! as far as i'm concerned, it really doesn't have to be even the highest of the high levels to be a great experience and great way to spend the day. a good group of friends, maybe a tailgate spot, and nice weather? plus horses galloping every which way?? it's pretty perfect haha

  8. I really wish we had even ONE of those good trainers within even an hr of me LOL we are really lacking for pros here.


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