
Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 blogger secret santa!!

It's that wonderful time of year again, when Tracy from Fly On Over hosts the annual Equestrian Blogger Gift Exchange. This is her fourth year hosting, and my third year participating. It's such a fun and special tradition, thanks for pulling it all together,Tracy!!

My secret santa this year turned out to be Stephanie from Hand Gallop!!! Who you may recall I had the pleasure of meeting just a couple short months ago at Dressage at Devon!! 

And Stephanie picked out the most awesome stuff for both me and Charlie. It helps that she's got a great eye and easy access to all sorts of amazing goodies at the tack shop she works at, The Horse of Course (whose travelling shop we had a blast exploring at Devon).  

Charlie's basically going to lose his shit over those homemade peppermint treats and I can't wait!!

And. Naturally, Stephanie understands that the depths of my soul aren't actually black like I like to pretend. Nope. Not black. Rather, my soul is made complete by SPACE CATS OMG. This C4 belt is just..... wow. It's everything

I'm loving this cute Irideon xc t-shirt too!! I haven't ridden a full cross country course since May 8 at Fair Hill (when Isabel and I got eliminated in stadium...) and I miss it desperately. Hopefully Charlie and I will get out on course at some point next season... but in the meantime this shirt will maybe help me at least look like an eventer even if I'm not riding like one lol.

The cat approves too!

And this saddle pad.... Wow it just hits all the right notes: Navy with classy silver piping, and FOX FACES OMG. Haha I'm clearly riding high on the "squealing like a child" bus right now lol.

But it's no secret that I've been extremely jealous of Stephanie and Alli and others who get out and about fox hunting all the time (you might even say I've been very weirdly preoccupied by it haha). So this saddle pad is another perfect way of dressing the part until the eventual day when we can actually act the part too!!

And also - in case you hadn't noticed the cute little decoration on the wrapped presents in the earlier pics, this festive little bit is actually a key chain too!!

It's just... wow, so many great presents for the green horse and rider of said green horse. Charlie and I might not be doing anything super exciting or impressive yet - but we're certainly starting to at least look the part!!!

Thank you so much, Stephanie!! Your gifts really brightened my day!! And Charlie's too!! Thanks also to Tracy for hosting this wonderful gift exchange every year!

Happy Holidays, everyone!!


  1. Wowthat is wonderful. I want to steal that pad- is that wrong?

  2. What! That pad is total awesome sauce!

  3. OMG THAT BELT. The space cats are EVEN BETTER when I blow up the photo to its full glorious size!! Way to go Stephanie!!

  4. If ANYONE needs a space cat belt, it's Emma. 😛 I'm so glad you and Charlie like everything!

  5. Steph. The cat belt is fucking amazing. Like. Seriously.

  6. Those are some great gifts! I agree with Austen. That belt.

  7. I'm pretty sure I just got that saddle pad in a yankee saddle pad swap. Except it has gold trim and owls...

    Love the belt!

  8. That space cats belt is basically my mental image of you.

  9. Stephanie did a good job! Homemade treats for the win!

  10. That belt is your spirit animal. And now I want a saddle pad with foxes. #inlovewithit Merry Christmas!

  11. That Space Cats belt is so you!! I love it :D Thanks again for participating!!

  12. Great gifts! I have to say though, I am kind of obsessed with your fork finger keychain...


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