
Monday, July 4, 2016

happy 4th + 3-day weekend!

Happy Independence Day for all the US readers, and, well, happy Monday to the rest of y'all! Hope you had a nice weekend regardless of the holiday status where you live!

funky statue in the hotel lobby / bar area
It's been admittedly a little quiet around the blog lately, for a few reasons. In some ways I don't have an awful lot to write about right now... (unless you want to read that we went on yet another trail ride?), and the words well is running a little dry. But mostly I've just been out of town.

this city defies the laws of physics. basically everywhere you look are giant hills in all directions. fairly certain that grandpa would be walking his miles to school uphill in both directions here. 
Work sent me off to San Francisco to do some onsite training with a client, and I was actually REALLY pumped to go. I've been to this city before, but it's been YEARS. Plus the timing with the holiday weekend and all seemed to work out pretty favorably in terms of jet lag etc.
the infamous lombard street. my fitbit counted ~30 staircases just scaling the hill to even get this far
So obviously I spent a good long while each evening wandering the streets getting my steps in (client visits = lots and LOTS of time spent stationary sitting in conference rooms) and enjoying the west coast.

certainly not the steepest street around town, but you get the idea
Plus, naturally I added an extra day to my stay and basically invited myself over to some local bloggers' houses haha. Bc I'm sneaky like that. It was totally awesome tho, and I'll have more to write about it later.

more fancy hotel pics - including the horse lamp in my room!
For now, tho, I'll just leave you with yet another teaser pic haha, and assurances that the West Coast contingent is just as awesome as they all seem. Sure, I didn't get to meet everyone out there (so sad I missed their epic meet up just one week prior!!) - but am pretty confident that it's one very cool and friendly group. 

this very VERY handsome bay dressage horse is incredibly skeptical of both my drinking AND my riding lol
Have a great Monday!


  1. San Francisco is on my list of places to see! it seems to be so beautiful. Happy 4th of July

    1. It's very beautiful for sure!! definitely worth visiting

  2. I can't wait to hear more! Glad you had a fun weekend.

    1. More is hopefully coming haha, replete with some borderline ridiculous pics of me trying to dressage lol

  3. Replies
    1. It's so pretty!!! And so amazing how different it can be from one area to the next, even when the areas aren't actually all that far apart distance-wise

  4. I'm so glad to hear you were able to cash in some epic blogger meet ups while "working" ☺

    1. Meeee too haha. Definitely made the trip way more exciting!!

  5. I need a new job that sends me to fun places where I can meet other bloggers...... :) haha

    1. Ha the travel definitely has its benefits!!

  6. Replies
    1. not a bad guess actually! but i believe Hampton lives in the midwest, and this guy is in NorCal ;)

  7. Ohh, so envious of your jet set lifestyle :)

    1. haha there are definitely very enjoyable aspects of lots of travel. as always tho there are tradeoffs

  8. Ahh sounds like the best work trip ever!
    Dying to know who that cute bay guy is?!- and hear more :D

    PS: Lombard Street is SO pretty!

    1. PPS: Happy Independence Day! x

    2. thanks! lombard street is super pretty but i don't really regret not walking the rest of the way lol. the cute bay is Rico of A Enter Spooking fame

  9. I went to San Fran with my sister and brother and we walked everywhere and it was uphill both ways and I was so jet lagged and I cried so now I kind of hate it.

    1. awww haha yea i totally get that feeling. those hills are no freakin joke, and they basically never ever EVER stop

  10. Work travel + blogging = awesome way to get your social on while in new places! Can't wait to hear more!

    1. definitely! i'm super grateful for the opportunity to meet up with ppl!! (tho obvi it still reminds me that i somehow didn't manage to meet up with you at rolex.... next time!!!)

  11. OMG JEALOUS! I will wait for the write up.

  12. SF is a neat place. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!

  13. I've always wanted to go there. You are lucky!

  14. That side eye Rico is giving you hahahaha


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