Saturday, May 14, 2016

This simple trick will fix your jump position in just one ride!

Alternate title: I can't quit you, Bates.

Alternate alternate title: How I spent $1,300 on a saddle that doesn't fit me, and actually not really the horse either.

Alternate alternate alternate title: Pro Tip: If you can't hold your two point position in the trial jump saddle for longer than a couple moments without losing balance, probably don't buy that saddle.

Excuse me folks - I'm going to be over here in a corner, weeping giant crocodile tears and desperately clutching my beloved Bates.


  1. Ugh obviously the only solution is to have a drink. That sucks!!!

    1. Yup this. Pretty sure you can't be a horse person without a solid adult coping mechanism.

    2. feels like i have lots to cope with lately. least that means lots of drinks!!

  2. Wait, what??? What happened? I thought you loved the new saddle fitter? She will be at my barn next week!

    1. I LOVE the fitter. Just made a very bad judgement call on whether the saddle fits ME. Not at all J's fault - I expect to continue working with her. The saddle is totally workable for the horse but I think it's just not the right shape for me. Frustrating.

    2. Ah, OK. I'm curious to see what she says. Part of me would be thrilled if saddle fit is the issue, because at least I'd KNOW the issue, but the thought of saddle shopping again makes me want to curl in the fetal position.

  3. Ugh, I've been there girl! Cheers!🍻

  4. Been there- I HATE saddle shopping. Even more so than horse shopping. Drink all the drinks!

  5. hugs. Although, I have to admit that your post about having difficulties getting a good position in your saddle to reflect on my own jumping saddle... I think mine doesn't fit me very well either =\

  6. That is SO unfortunate! I totally did the same thing years ago. I bought a saddle that fit Rico but when I tried it I wasn't feeling it. I had the exact saddle in the past so I told myself I'd get used to it (saddle fitter assured me that it'd feel better when it was broken in, yeah brand new custom made saddle). Eventually I couldn't even ride in it without a massive amount of pain in my hips/SI. Sold it for a loss of $1200. So painful...

    It slashed my budget so I thought I'd never find a saddle, and then I found my current saddle, which I sat in for probably thirty or forty minutes accidentally at the store playing with my phone because it was so damn comfortable.

  7. That was precisely my issue with the K & M!!! I'm glad you have a tried and true back up though!

  8. That's rough. I feel that this requires both drinks and pie! (Also, I'm totally going to get shirts made after replacing shout-counting with "Kick Harder, Think Less"shouting at my clinic this weekend)

    1. YASSSSS I WANT A SHIRT!!!!! seriously!!! email me at fraidycat.eventing at gmail if you're actually doing this and we can sort details and whatnot ;)

  9. Pretty sure owning the right saddle never exists. My elusive "unicorn" saddle right now has my panicking. I splurged an entire $4k on a new saddle (it was pretty and I Was desperate to ride again) and so paranoid it isn't going to work. I run his back and withers with my hands before and after we ride. So paranoid.

  10. Ugh. I know how this is. Our last dressage saddle ($3500 Albion) fit Fiction perfectly and I thought it fit me fine until a few months later when I noticed that it just kept shoving my legs forward and putting me in a horrid chair seat. I lucked out with my new saddle - custom for the horse and can be customized for the rider but fit me perfectly from the get go. If you want to avoid the risk in the future, you could always go custom. Bliss of London has fantastic saddles for affordable prices that can be fully customized for horse and rider :)

    Also, luckily Bates are popular and you'll probably be able to sell it easily!

    1. i'm officially never ever EVAR selling my bates bc i love it too much. it is just so right for me, and riding in the K&M lately just reinforced that fact. my objective now is to do everything humanly possible to make it work for the mare (changing it to a wider tree went a long way toward protecting her from soreness). plus i learned that the issues with movement that i thought were related to the shape of the panels did not improve with flatter panels soooo... idk. regardless, the bates is staying with me forever and ever, even if i end up with other saddles haha

  11. urgh.
    But I like your sense of humor about it.

  12. Oh No! This is really sucky!


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