
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

year-end awards, self loading + other things

Because yesterday's post was a little sad (thank you everyone for such supportive comments!!), here's something different and more lighthearted - a quick compilation of some of the little things that have made me happy lately.

Like giggling at the idea that Isabel must certainly be part goat, considering she stands like this alllllll the time haha. 

Or appreciating just how well our initial investment in installing the 'self load' button on Isabel and Wick has paid off. Both horses got two lessons from a local pro (and LOTS of practice) before we ever started hauling them anywhere. And we've grown increasingly grateful for that preliminary work, as the horses are just so EASY to handle around the trailer now.

Case in point: this quick 30second video of them self loading in perfect synchronized unity. Because c'mon, how stinkin cute is that?

Or torturing the poor mare with our awesome (and HUGE) MCTA year-end award ribbons. Lol. Seriously tho, these ribbons are so pretty! MCTA really does a nice job making their members feel like winners. Pretty much everyone who submits their year-end points gets a prize. Sweet, right? 
And the accompanying swag was pretty nice too - an embroidered white dressage pad, a small logo bucket, and saddle soap and weather-proofing balm for leather. Plus extra sponges. Not bad! 
Also, Isabel happened to be in a particularly stretchy mood on this day - notice how she reached out with her forelegs to stretch down like a cat? She must have done that at least 6-7 times from when I grabbed her in the pasture to getting tacked up. It was a little odd, honestly, but she seemed to be feeling good and enjoying the stretch, so I guess it's nbd? 
Especially since our plan for the day was trail riding anyway, as part of our holistic "get Isabel back in shape" plan. She's doing so so SO well, especially mentally. Just gotta work on that fitness tho, so bring on the hill work!
See the buck?!?
It was a beautiful weekend here - a little wet but generally balmy temperatures. And we managed to sneak out for a group ride in between rain storms. Tho you can see by the stream crossings that the water was a little faster than usual. 
Still, tho, how pretty is this?!? And to think that exactly one year ago from this date, it was a snowy 15* day that marked the first time we hauled Wick out for a lesson at OF. Crazy how much has changed in a year (and I don't just mean the weather lol).
So yea, lots of positive stuff to be happy about around here. Especially when it comes to enjoying the last few days of mild temperatures, as it appears that Winter is Coming. 


  1. Love the tandem self loading! Also that is some pretty awesome swag :)

    1. ha we got such a kick out the horses loading like that - it happened once kinda by accident a couple weeks ago so we wanted to try again on purpose to get it on video. horses were fine with it! ;)

  2. Jealous that you still have some sun! It's freezing here :(

    1. ugh the cold temps have descended on us since then too... tho the forecast is saying it ought to get back up to the 40s for another week or so, maybe, hopefully?

  3. So much good stuff. Those ribbons are gorgeous! I think I might have said this before but I am so envious of your trails.

    1. we are definitely lucky to have such easy trail access. sometimes i wish the trails were less technical and had more places for trotting and cantering (it's very hilly, twisty, narrow, and rocky back there) but it's still such a nice break from the arena!

  4. Arab mares ARE secretly part mountain goat. Ask me how I know!

  5. Shhhh winter is not a thing, it's called first spring.

    1. And shoutout to MCTA for giving out practical prizes.

    2. ha 'first spring' - has a nice ring to it, no? and MCTA is pretty much the best. if you are considering doing even *any* events in 2016 (or any other year) you should definitely join!

  6. Love self loading! and goat horses. :)

  7. My mama has a mare that crosses one leg over the other and then leans to the side to stretch everything out and then switches legs to do the other side. Some of them are weirdly clever about working out their kinks. It doesn't surprise me that Isabel would do that. Haha. Definitely jealous of the trails with hills though. That looks so fun!

    1. ha yea isabel is pretty clever about making herself comfortable - or telling me when she's sore (sadly, more frequent than i'd like). i kinda love watching them stretch it out tho!

  8. So jealous of your trail access. Riding around in the middle of the suburbs is apparently frowned upon in this area. Boo, New York!

    1. aw boo new york indeed!! our trails aren't particularly extensive but it's still such a nice way to just get out for an hour here or there

  9. Gorgeous ribbons! Congratulations. I read Self-loading as Self-Loathing though! lol

  10. Nice post :) Bali's sire has a commercial on TV btw

    1. oreeeeeally? do you happen to have a link?

  11. Replies
    1. lolz they are such good horses, we really lucked out :)

  12. That video is the cutest thing ever!

    Also - that satin is beautiful! Congrats!

    1. thanks - i'm pretty pleased with my new giant ribbons! or rather, my mother will be pretty pleased when i give them to her since she actually displays the satin

  13. Replies
    1. oooooh yes, TWO. one for horse, one for rider. like i said, MCTA has got it figured out :D

  14. No I don't have a link, sorry. But it comes on NBC every time they broadcast a race. He's standing at either three chimneys or claiborne or another one of the big farms, and they advertise the hell out of him.

    1. hmmm ok i will have to do a little digging, would love to see it !

  15. Such a fun weekend, gorgeous ribbons & fab swag. Bless Miss Izzy and her goat/cat stretches and contortions

    1. haha it's almost like she wants to see just how many different animals she can imitate

  16. Wow, what gorgeous swag! And super beautiful trail riding weather too!

    1. the perfect weather - a little slick and slippery, sure, but otherwise so pleasant!

  17. My pony used to self load, it was great!

    1. it's definitely WAY preferable to some other alternatives!

  18. I snuck a ride on Sunday, for the brief hour of sunshine we had between the rains (entire rest of the day). Footing was soggy so we marched up and down the big hill (stopping and backing up for several efforts on the downhill portion) and then played "Cross the flood-y creek like a brave horse" which contained absolutely no excitement (he is not fazed by water xings). Not a super productive ride, but better than no ride.

  19. So jealous! We have had snow since NOVEMBER and below freezing temps for weeks. But, to look at it with a positive spin, um, well, Georgie looks really good in a blanket and stays SO much cleaner! :)

    1. haha i'm sure - nothing like snow on the ground to help keep those grays clean... seriously tho, i'm not jealous of all that snow fall at ALL :(

  20. I love the cute pictures with Isabel and the ribbons! I'm happy you got so many great year-end prizes!

    1. thanks! i snapped approximately 1 million of those pics and had a hard time choosing favorites lol

  21. The tandem loading is great! I love it!

  22. Omg the tandem self loading is fantastic! And Izzy is adorable with those gorgeous ribbons - congrats!!

    1. thanks! we about died of cuteness the first time they loaded like that lol

  23. I have to say I red this as "self-loathing". Congrats on all the good things!

    1. lol L Williams thought that too - but nope, no self loathing!

  24. That is some nice loot! I am always afraid to sign up for year end awards because I feel like that will jinx us and something terrible will happen. This year I might just do it though.

    1. you totally should! the way i see it, becoming a member of these organizations has value in and of itself in helping to financially support them, even if i end up not recouping any benefits (bc hey, shit happens sometimes). same idea for the year end awards. even if it ends up not working out, we can still feel good about participating in programs we like!


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