
Sunday, October 11, 2015

lots going on right now

Some sad news: we had to let Milagro go earlier this week. He continued to be bright and very attached to life, but unfortunately foundered in his supporting left hind leg while remaining non weight-bearing on his right hind.

We wanted desperately for him to recover for the retirement he deserved. But he's free from pain now. And we get the cold comfort of learning postmortem that his injuries were far more serious than realized, and recovery was never realistic.

we miss ya buddy :(
So it's been a tough few days at the barn - with some lesson students taking it particularly hard. He was such a favorite! But there ARE things going on all the same - some very fun things, actually (it's a very busy weekend). And I will write about them shortly.

No details at present, but if everything has gone according to plan (and I haven't killed myself via overbooking) we should have details on:

  • the current state of our saddle saga - fitter comes out this afternoon!
  • lesson recaps for Isabel - jumping AND dressage lessons (yes we are FINALLY getting back to see trainer C!!!!)
  • and mayyyyyyyybe a little CT tossed in for good measure

Hope you're having a good weekend! 


  1. Aw, RIP Milagro. So sad.

  2. Aww so sorry to hear about Milagro! Sounds like he was so well loved though and he's getting his rest now

  3. Lesson horses are such saints. I'm sure he earned his place in horsey heaven. :(

  4. So sorry to hear, he sounded like such a fantastic boy.

  5. He sure sounds like he will be missed, in saying that he touched so many loves his legacy lives on *hugs*

  6. :-( there is some comfort that he wouldn't have recovered and he wasn't put through the stall rest and tests and things for nothing. Poor guy, sorry for your loss :-(

  7. :( So sorry to hear this but I'm glad it was the right decision. And how many horses are so well loved?

  8. Sorry to hear about Milagro, but knowing he is happy and pain free is a good thing (even if it is hard to think about)

  9. It is always hard to let go of a horse like that. They will always have a special place in your heart.

  10. So sorry, loosing a horse is never easy, no matter how right the decision is.

  11. Aw, so sorry for your loss. It's the right thing, but the hard thing.

  12. I'm really sorry about Milagros. Hugs.

    1. Sorry, my damn phone autocorrected his name *Milagro

  13. A friend of mine lost her mare two days ago. :(
    So sorry to hear.


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