
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Isabel plays by her own rules

We wanted to play with free jumping the horses this week. Isabel wanted to play her own game. Everyone wins!! Lol...

Trainer P suggested a few weeks ago that Wick would probably benefit from free jumping. He has a lot of try and a great brain - but he's so very very uneducated. Running him through a grid with no rider interference would give him the opportunity to sort out his body. 

he did well!

This week the footing was in good enough shape to give it a whirl. Another barn mate also joined us with her TWH Shaggy, who is out of shape and too smart for his own good. We figured that he might do well with this kind of exercise - interesting enough to keep his mind engaged and a good way to get him using his full body.

it's a jumping walking horse!! 

Isabel, tho.... Well Isabel had her own ideas. She only went through the chute once when the grid was still just an X and ground poles. Chaos ensued haha.

She essentially declined capture at the end of the chute. Shaggy and Wick both willingly bee-lined straight to us (and our sugar cubes)... but Izzy? Nope... she went on a little tour of the arena that lasted a few minutes. Taking video didn't immediately occur to me, so I only caught about 30 seconds... but it was quite the show! Highlights below in gif form :)

zoom zooooom

really want to ride this trot!!

she sent herself down the chute!

So yea... no free jumping for this wild child. She got to stand with me in the center while Wick and Shaggy took their turns like polite and sensible ponies. 

I think she had fun tho. It's probably been ages since she could really kick up her heels, given the mud and ice (and the fact that her field is set on a hill)... so I'm glad she got to really stretch out and run lol, even if it wasn't exactly what I expected.


  1. She looks like she's having so much fun!! I'm jealous of your good footing - we're still very snowy/muddy here, and I'm sure the horses are ready to get out and run!

    1. i think she really enjoyed it haha... and i'm so happy the snow is finally gone (let's just hope it stays gone!)

  2. Wild pony! She definitely had a lot of fun!

    1. haha right? she's like, 'wheeeee look at me goooooo' lol

  3. It has been such a long time here of ice and mud, my horses are all itching to move too! The only one not smart enough to be careful is my two year old who runs, bucks and wipes out while all the older horses just watch her be stupid. :)

    1. awww silly baby horse! my mare is usually much too dignified to play... but i guess when the playtime can be disguised as naughty running around she's game

  4. Man that trot is fancy. Looks like she had a ton of fun!

    1. she kinda loves to show off haha - and can not resist an audience :)

  5. Ahaha I love the spunky Arab trot! Hysterical

  6. teeheehee this is so cute! Gotta love the springtime sillies!

    1. i definitely love it - esp since she rarely ever plays in the field

  7. Don't you wish you had as much fun doing anything, as they do when they zoom around like that? Such funny critters!

    1. i know right? she made it look like the best thing EVAR

  8. I can imagine Estella doing something similar LOL she looooves to be wild in the outdoor.

    1. haha i'm sure - something about being loose in the arena lights an extra hot little fire under their ass i guess


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